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When you write on your skin the same mark appears on the same place as your soulmates. Such as if you doodle on your skin your soulmates gets those doodles on their skin. Your not however allowed to write your name Or address on yourself.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Team cursed, rushing in and looking at all the other first years who were already changed and warming up. Today was the swimming team selection and Team had gotten a little late.

"Hey nong, are you here for the trials?" A senior questioned on spotting the new arrival. Team did a small bow "Sorry phi, I-I lost my way and got late. It won't happen again"

The senior smiled and nodded, he signed towords the changing rooms "Go change fast, your lucky we haven't started yet. And give me your name before you go"

Team gave the senior his name and rushed to go get changed.
Win and Dean were talking about the newcomers and potential members who could replace the seniors they had lost that year when Phruk came jogging up to them. "One of the juniors came in late, I sent him to change"

There was a disapproving frown on Dean's face, he didn't like people who came late. Win smiled a little, knowing his intimidating looking best friend would probably scare the hell out of the poor boy.

"What's his name?" Dean asked looking at his board and clicking his pen. Phruk opened his mouth to answer, he paused then closed his mouth again "I forgot..."

Dean looked up in disbelief "Ay Phruk how bad is your memory?!" Win laughed.
The other boy gave a guilty smile, "I remember his face though"

"I can't mark his face on the list, now I?" Dean added.

"Oi. Just send him with the first badge na, if he makes the team then ask for his name again and if not then we won't need it anyway" Win said butting in between. "Where is he?"

Phruk turned to look at the changing rooms "He should be out by no-"

There were a series of gasps from the swimming members and the audiance that had come to wach the trials. Murmurs ereupted in the stadium as the raven haired boy stepped out of the changing room and joined the others in warming up.

"Win..." The blonde ignored his friends call, he simply stared at the boy specifically at the tattoo's on his arms, they were identical to his which were currently hidden under the sleeve of his windbreaker.

There were shrieks and hoots errupting all over the place as Win moved towords the junior. All the first years warming up looked confused by the sudden ruckus. The members of the swimming team rushed to tell the crowd to keep quiet.

"What's your name nong?" Win questioned standing beside the boy who smiled at him "Team phi"


"Team you'll be swimming with the first batch, line up on board number three...Don't let anyone or this noise disturb you they get like tthis every year" Team gave Win a confused smile before thanking him and going to line up with the others on his board.

Win stood in the same place, a smile plastered on his face as he admired the black wings tattooed on the Junior's back. The memory of the markings came back to him, Win had really wanted to get a tattoo but he had to ask his soulmate before he did because the mark would stay on both of them. His soulmate had written back saying he could get one as long as he promised to get one of Team's choice too. The tattoos on his arms had the design chosen by his soulmate and the wings had been Win's decision. Win smiled wider reaching for the pen in his pocket

"Damn he's good, with propper training he might even beat you" Dean commented as Team finished the laps first and got out. "Ofcorce whose soulmate is he?" Win flexed before leaving Dean and heading towords the Junior.

Team was drying himself when he felt someone hold his hand, the hoots from the crowd increases again and before he knew it he was being dragged to the lockers by the senior he had met earlier.

"What's- hey! What are you doing?" Team inquired when he saw the senior lock the main door from the inside.

The man turned to look at Team, an excited smile growing on his face. Team couldn't help but compare him to a puppy, his smile was so adorable like-

"Found you"


Team looked down to where the senior was pointing - Found you - the words were written on his hand. Team looked up to find the blonde holding his hand out, the same words written on him in the same place.

"You.... "

Win took off his windvreaker, letting it fall to the ground. He was shirtless, his inked skin clearly vissible. Team couldn't hide his happiness at the realisation. He had found his soulmate. He didn't know what to do, not able to help himself his immediate reaction was to run towards the senior. Win held onto Team's shoulders and looked down at the boy who had grabbed his waist and lifted him up, swirling them around and making Win laugh.

When he was finally let down Win pulled him in for a hug, Team hugged him back before whispering "I've been waiting to meet you for so long"

They pulled back and just looked into each other's eyes, "Fuck" Win cursed feeling giddy with joy as he stared into what he considered as the most beautiful pair of eyes he'd ever seen "I think I already love you"

The End

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