First meet

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Team had his hands in the pockets of the large black jacket. He was walking back to his dorm, Manow had offered to drive him there but he wanted some fresh air so had gotten down at Manow's and decided to walk back.

He had attended a make over competition with the woman today. Team had been her subject, the one who she would have to give a make over to. The theme of each contest was chosen via the judges drawing a chit. Every contestent was given 15 minutes to pick any extra materials they needed from the supply area then they had 3 hours to present the final complete look.

The transformation had to be from head to toe. And Team loved the way his turned out. That was partly the reason he was fine with striding back to the dorms alone, that late at night. He was looking too.... Menacing- to mess with.

Manow had done a great job. He was dressed in all black, a tight black top with a black jacket and jeans, the sleeves on his arms folded up. The clothes were a size or two bigger than what he usually wore but were the perfect fit after the shoulder and chest paddings Manow put on him. It made Team look bigger and older. His makeup was sharp, eyes a little smokey and a scar running down his eyebrow to his cheek, he had an eyebrow and lio piercing. Team's favourite part were the tattoo's. They covered his entire neck and the exposed parts of his arms.

He looked like a gangster right out of an anime or drama.

Team slowed when he heard a wierd noise. Curious he moved towords were the sound was coming from. "Are you giving us the fucking money or not!"

Team stopped and peeked in the alley. A boy in a highschool uniform had his back to the wall, he was surrounded by two other boys and a girl. They three surrounding him were in normal clothes but were obviously young. They seemed more like high school bullies than anything else.

The lone boy had his hands up in fear, ready to cover himself from any blows from the others.


View felt the fear grow as his legs started trembling. They had him trapped against a wall. He was only a few minutes away from hia Win's dorm but knew even if he managed to make a run for it they'd catch him and then.... Then things would get much worse.

"Phi I r-really don't have any money on me phi, please believe me na"

View's voice trembled as he tried to secretly speed dial hia Win on his phone. View had seen the three strangers following him some time ago and had texted Win and sent his live location but he wasn't sure when Hia would read the message.

Before he could run, the three had caught him and shoved him against the wall. His parents had gone out and hia Wan was probably still in his room. View regretted coming out secretly to meet Win. No one could help him, because no one even knew were he was.

The girl chuckled darkly, "Ya!" She yelled, making him jump "do we look lik idiots to you?! We know you're filthy rich, you have enough money to share with all of us."

View instinctively tried to resist and press coser against the wall as one guy grabbed his collar and yanked him closer. "You think you're too great to share that money? What? You think you're better than us because you were born with a fucking golden spoon?!" He shook the scared boy after every word.

View felt his chest tighten as the tugs got more violent "N-no karap. Really! I don't have anything on me na. Let me go! Please! I'll give you money tomorrow na please... I- I promise!"

This didn't seem to work as the three looked more irritated "Looks like you're not going to fucking listen the nice way, huh?!"

View's breath hitched as the guy pushed him roughly against the wall. He could feel his heart racing as the three closed in. Fuck. No! No! No! Hia! Pleas Help!

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