Hickey Prank (WinTeam)

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Team sat with his head on the table, regretting every decision he made that evening!

(What happened)

He, Manaow and Pharm were supposed to have a group study in Pharm's house. Everything was going well, till he dozed off. He woke up to both his friends clutching their stomachs and laughing. Confused Team looked into the mirror to see the disaster of makeup they had put on him.

It looked so horrible Team ended up laughing along with them. After washing it off he came back to see pharm holding out his phone. There were multiple pictures of Team on it. PICTURES THAT COULD DESTROY HIS NAME IF THEY GOT OUT.

He tried to snatch their phones away but failed. "We'll give you our phones and you can delete them BUT ony if you listen to what I say!" Manaow grinned.

That was the second mistake Team did that night. Manaow told him to prank Win with a fake hickey. The idea seemed great at the time. He could have the photos deleted and Team could have fun pranking his faen. He agreed.

Pharm made two fake hickey's on his neck with the help of an empty 2 litre water bottle. They even put some mens perfume on Team to make it believable. Team deleted all the pictures from Pharms phone. Manaow promised he could deleted it from hers tomorrow after successfully finishing the prank.

The problem started when he left Pharm's house. Suddenly the idea didn't seem that great anymore. What if Win got angery? They wouldn't end up fighting because of this right? No way. But he was determined to do it. That's when he made the third mistake, he went to the store and brought some liquid courage.

He had 0 tolerance level. So two cans were enough to drown his fears. He reached his room, left his bag, changed his clothes, took Win's key card and headed to the room he was all too familiar with.

When he opened the door. The room was empty. Win had gone out. Team entered inside, stumbling and tripping he layed his head down on Win's study table. The alcohol was showing ots effects.


He felt someone shaking him awake. Team turned around to see his boyfriend looking down at him.

"Hia!!" Win's held him when Team jumped up and hugged him. Leaning his wight on the senior.

"What's wrong baby?"

The junior pulled Win's face infront of him, squeezing his cheeks "You know I love you na Hia~"

Win scrunched his face, holding Team firmly "Team are you drunk?! Dean said you and Pharm were studying. Why are you drunk?" He scanned Team who looked guilty.

"I only like you Hia, really!" Team giggled, trying his best to get Win suspicious.

But Win smirked liking how Team was acting "Really?" Team nodded tugging his shirt down so that his neckline clearly exposed the hickeys. But Win was too busy smiling and staring into Teams cresent eyes. Idiot.

"Why are you drunk Team? Who did you drink with?" Win asked as he helped Team to the bed. Team pushed Win onto the bed and crawled on top of him. Win held Teams waist, supporting him up, he admired his boyfriends beautiful brown eyes and hair that seemed to form a hallow around him as he gazed down.

Team frowned when seconds past and Hia still didn't notice the red marks on his neck. He fell on top of him earning an uff. "I drank alone" He finally answered back.

Win placed his palms on Team's shoulders "Why? I thought you don't like to drink. Team you don't have any alcohol tolerance! Don't drink alone like that!"

Team smiled seeing his chance "I was scared Hia would be angry because of what he did" Team slurred with closed eyes acting drunker that he was.

Win flipped them over, looking over Team "Who did what pao?" That's when Win smelled the foreign perfume from team, it wasnt his and Team didn't wear perfume.

Instead of answering Team turned his face to the other side. This time Win saw them. He brushed his thumb over the bruise trying to erase it as if it was makeup. Win sat beside Team, pulling him up "Team what's on your neck? Team?!"

"Mmm...mm...I don't know what he did Hia" Team teased as he snuggled into win. He knew he was already in trouble from the way Win's body tensed. Win pushed Team away, getting a glass of water from the table before holding Team up against him again.

"Common Team, drink this. Be a good boy and tell your Hia who did this to you. Who do I have to kill Team? Tell me everything" Win said through clenched teeth.

Team drank the water, he hadn't noticed how pissed Win looked. "Now tell me who did this Team. Who do i have to kill?"

Team mumbled beneath his breath. "Louder pao, come on" Win growled as he brought his ear next to teams mouth. Ready to beat the shit ot of the person responsible.

"It's a prank" Team giggled as he moved away to look at Win.

But his smile dropped when ye noticed how serious Win was "Hia it's just a prank!" He tried again, smiling. But win looked angry.

"Then what are those marks team? You expect me to believe you right now?"

Teams heart dropped. His eyes widened as his fears came true. No. He didn't want to fight because of this!


But win had moved away from him and to the door. Team hurried up, a wave of dizziness hitting him because of the sudden movement. He caught Wins hand just as he held the door handle.

"Hia don't be angry na! It only a prank, really. Pharm made thse marks with an empty plastic bottle-"

Suddenly Win turned around and picked Team up. Next thing he knew he was on the bed and Win hovering on top of him "Hia?"

"That was payback for scaring me" Win answered smirking.

Team pouted and tried to push him away but Win held his shoulders and dive for his neck, nuzzling and kissing it. "Ayyy Hia! What are you doing?" Team squealed pushing Win back.

"You wanted hickeys right? I'll do a better job than that bottle" Win exclaimed laughing.

"We have uni tomorrow!"

"Don't worry. I know." Win grinned diving down again. Team turned his head to the other side, feeling the kisses, bites and rapid breathing on his neck that sent vibrations through his head.

After a few minutes Team pushed Win over and crawled on top, he was sure by now his collar and shoulder looked like a whole group of mosquitoes had attacked him. He would do the same to win.

Team leaned in the crook of his lovers neck sending sloppy kisses down his jaw before sucking on his neck and collar, making sure he left marks.


Next Day

Team took Manaows phone and deleted the pictures "So what happened?!" They asked excited. "I almost fell in trouble because of you both!"

"Aah I can see that" Pharm answered as Win and Dean came to sit with them. There were hickeys visible on Win's neck, the hickeys Team had given him yesterday.


The End

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