Let me take care of you 🌶 (Smut)

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Warning : Smut ahead ⚠⚠
• Slight Bondage
• Daddy

Team - Power bottom
Win - Submissive top


Win heard the shower stop as he rummaged through his and Team's closet for his favourite shirt. He had been looking for it for days! It definately wasn't here. Sighing he once again closed the doors in defeat. That's when his gaze wandered to the single extra cupboard, since he and Team had nothing to keep there they had used that place for all sorts of unwanted or rarely used junk.

Win opened its door and scanned through its contents. Again! His shirt was not there. Just as he was about to close it, he remembered about the hidden compartment him and Team had built inside. Win smiled in memory and bent down, removing the dust laden paints and pallets so he could pull the small latch that was attached to the base. He couldn't remember if they had kept something inside or not, it had been so long that Win had almost forgotten about the place.

He pulled up the false base, there was a large black box inside. His brows furrowed in confusion. I don't remember this. Taking the box outside he kept it on the ground in front of him, the box had a sliding latch. "TEAM" Win called out as he opened the lock "WHAT?" His husband yelled back from the bathroom.
Yes husband, they had gotten married one year and 21 days ago. Though Thailand hadn't legalised same sex marriage, him and Team had gone to Vagas last year to meet Win's grandma and had gotten married there. They knew it wouldn't be counted in Thailand but it was real enough for them.


"DON'T OPEN IT!" He heard Team yell from inside along with fumbling. Too late. Win had already opened it and was looking at the contents inside it, his smile faded. He heard the bathroom door open within a second and Team rush towards him, stopping a step away "Win.... I-"

The other man didn't know how to react. There were toys inside the box. Sex toys, ones that he had never seen in his house before. Was team cheating on him with someone? No way. But they had never used these before. Win didn't mind if Team used it with himself, what scared him was the thought that he was using it with someone else. "Your not cheating on me, right?"

Teams eyes widened for a second, he immediately dropped down and held Win's hand "NO! Never! Get that stupid thought out of your head. I'm not cheating. Never have and never will Hia"

Win felt the releaf flow through him. He believed Team. "Did you buy these?" Team didn't answer looking away as if thinking what to say. Win smirked "I never thought this was your style. Why didn't you tell me? All you had to do is say"

"No this is not my.....Style" Team snapped back

"Really? Then what is this?"

Team paused for a second. It was useless. He was caught. He could hide it anymore. "Fine! I brought it!" He said closing the box and pulling it to his side "When I had gone out with Manaow and the others last time and got little drunk I ordered all the things in my cart. It came with the others the next morning, I didn't know what to do so I hid it here."

"You told me your returned everything" Win smirked again, crawling towards Team.

"I-I didn't want to give this back" He admitted murmuring the last part.

"Its going to be a waste of money if you keep them in the box all the time. Want me to help you?" Win flirtatiously suggested, getting on Teams lap.

"That's the thing...." Team had a look in his eyes that Win had never seen. He gripped Win's shoulder and pushed him down, getting on top as he pushed Win onto his back, one had behind his head so he didn't hit it on the ground. "...I bought them because..." Team leaned in closer, Win felt a current and wave of heat flow through his body as Team scanned his face with intense desire, before locking his eyes with Win's.

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