My prince ♛ (1/?)

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Prem sat inside the carriage with his best friend Li Wu by his side. "I'm bored~" He whined for the fifth time.
"What do you want me to do you highness? Dance for you?"
Prem sat up straight at the offer "You know, that would be nice. Let's see how long you can dance while we're on this bumpy ass road. Dance for me - OW!"

The prince rubbed the side of his head "How dare you flick the Third prince!" Prem asked acting offended.

Li Wu snickered before speaking in a teasing tone "Oh no! My deepest apologies your majesty. I thought you were an annoying mosquito. Forgive me!"

"Ya! If you keep talking like this I'll eat all your Ja Mongkut!!" Prem threatened

Wu turned and lightly touched Prem's cheek "Aww so Mr meanie is back again?"

Prem slapped his hand away "What do you man back again?"

"You've been acting a off for quite some time, you've even started spacing out!"

"Have not!" Warut retorted defensively

"Last week you tripped over my foot and and said thank you before walking away and bumping a wall-" Li Wi stopped speaking as Prem quickly closed his mouth.

"Shut up!" He hissed, not wanting the soldiers and maids outside to hear.

Wu removed the prince's hand from his mouth "But seriously Prem what's happened?"

Prem shrugged and pulled the curtain a little away so he could look outside. This marked the end of their conversation.

Warut Chawalitrujiwong is the third child of his father, the Emperor of the Amarthayu kindom and his mother, the Empress. There are five siblings in total: three prince's
two princesses
Warut (called Prem by his family and best friend) was the youngest prince. Li Wu is the son of the general, he and Warut have been friends since they were three year old kids. They had gone for a surprise check to the military camps in eastern border of the kingdom and were now returning to the capital.

The prince thought about what Li Wu had asked him. Prem had been having wierd dreams from the past month. He had secretly summoned the Royal doctor who gave him some herbs to help sleep but they were of no use, every night the same silver haired man Prem had never seen before came to visit him in his dreams. The two of them would sometimes take a walk through the market streets or run around playing in an open field or just sit in different places and talk. The man called himself Boun. Prem would be lying if he said he hadn't grown fond of him, there seemed to me this unexplaonable attraction he had towords the man. They both seemed to click so well that he had almost been saddened by the fact that the man was only a part of his dreams.
From the day these dreams had started Prem often found himself spacing out and thinking about Boun.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the carriage suddenly came to a halt. Confused he looked towords his friend who was already asking the soldiers what was wrong. The next thing Prem knew Li Wu slammed his window shut "Your highness get away from the windows!" Prem didnt fail to notice the sudden change, this was no longer his friend talking to him but the son of the general. Prem ducked down as Li Wu hurried to lock the window on his side, all Prem could see outside was white, it was as if a thick white fog was surrounding them.

"What's happening Wu?!" Prem asked holding the sleeve of his dress against his lower face, the fog was slowly seeping in through the cracks and spaces.

"I don't know. All the people outside have fallen to the ground. The gas may br poison, don't breathe any of it in. We can't leave the carriage, no one knows how many enemies could be waiting to attack."

"Then we just wait for this fog to go away! What nonsense are yo-ou saying!!" Prem found himself getting light headed
"We do-don't have another choice your...your Majesty"

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