Wan______ (slight smut)

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"Well, aren't you a cute one" a familiar voice growled in his ear. Team's eyes widened when he froze what was wrong with him?! He's supposed to move! To push the person away instead he found himself frozen in place. His thoughts were thrown out the window when the person nuzzled him from the bottom of his neck to his chin. Team quickly tore away from the unknown person and moved back.

"Win?" He asked in confusion looking at his boyfriend.

The senior smiled, quickly moving towards him, one hand automatically moved to circle Team's waist while he pushed Team behind till the boy was trapped between him and the lockers. That was when Team realised that everyone else had gone back and it was only them in the club now.

"Hia Win what are you doing?" Team asked startled by his wierd behaviour. Sure his boyfriend was flirty and loved to tease and care for him in public but this was new. Something seemed different about him today.

"Hia Win huh?" The senior whispered hardly inches from his face. Team's hands were on Wins shoulders. "What's wrong with you today?" Team murmured attempting to create more distance between them but the senior pulled himself towards the lockers, effectively sandwiching Team inbetween.

Team watched in alert as his boyfriend slowly neared his face again, he turned to the side causing the pair of lips to land on his jaw. Win nibbled on it for sometime before pulling back. Team stared back at him questioningly. He was not used to his boyfriend behaving like this and didn't know how to react.

"So cute" The blonde whispered, before he could respond the lips were back on his jaw, trailing down it's length and towards his collar. Team closed his eyes and let his head lean back as the senior sucked, licked and sent kisses down his neck.

Team opened his eyes and gently pushed the blonde back. Just as Team latched his mouth onto the seniors neck and started kissing it, his mind clicked. Team noticed what he had been finding so different about his Hia. Dread filled him as all sorts of scenarios from the movies he watched played in him mind. He shoved the man away hard and ran to the door.

Team turned back again to create firm what he had seen. The man who had tripped over the bench and fallen down didn't have a single tattoo on him. The sleeveless shirt exposed his clean and uninked arms. How could he have missed this before?

"Who the fu*k are you?" He asked. Could it be a doppelganger like in the movie he had seen yesterday?

He felt goosebumps as the man looked up and smiled at Team. "Ah looks like you found out..." He could feel his heart slamming against his rib cage. Team had watched enough paranormal movies to turn and run when he saw the man getting up to his feet. The whole pool area was empty.

This was exactly how people died in movies, killed by the villian in when no one was around to help them. The fact that the sun was setting and it would be dark within an hour didn't help either


Team's eyes widened when he turned to find the man who looked like his boyfriend catching up to him. When he was out the swimmer's exit there was only little distance separating them. Quater way down the stairs that distance became nothing and a hand looped around him trying to pull him back.

"HIAA!!" Team yelled when he saw his boyfriend and Dean chatting at the bottom of the staircase. The two heads snapped in his direction, Team felt some of the fear leaving him as the two seniors started running up to him.

When he felt the hand around him loosen a little Team elbowed the guy in the ribs earning a painfull cry before he turned and punched his face. The man fell down, his hands covering his nose as he groaned in pain.

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