Orange juice🌶 (WinTeam smut)

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Warning : Sexual content ⚠⚠
• Blowjob
• Overstimulation
• Little bit of praise kink
Fluff .


Win was on his bed watching TV at night when there was a knock at his door. Looking out of the peephole he saw Team standing on the other side. He opened his door and the Junior immediately came inside.

Win closed and locked the door, looking at Team who was shifting on his feet near his fishtank. "What's wrong-" He asked holding Teams arm and walking infront of him. Win didn't get a chance to say anymore as Team pushed him down in the bed and crawled over him, his hands on either side if the elders face. Win gave a wide smile looking at the brunette looking over him, he held the fluffy covers and piled some under his head for support. Team looked like he was contemplating what to say. "Can't sleep again?" Win prompted.

Team shook his head in denial. Win felt the Junior start to grind against him. He was hard. As if realising what he was doing Team stopped, his body was now supported in his elbows and knees. Win had a hand on his waist, waiting in confusion for Team to speak.

"I was at Types place... " Team began, he was again subconsciously pressing his groin against Win's. ".....he told me to have a juice packet from the fridge. I-i couldn't find it so I took the orange juice from a bottle instead...."
Win waited, not understanding where the story was going. "....That idiot didn't tell me not to take it..."

He paused again but this time Win interrupted him "Team what are you-"

"What kind of idiot mixes viagra in a juice bottle and keeps it in the open!" Team growled angrily.

When Type saw him drink it, he thought it was hilarious and kept quiet till Team started getting squirmy and had to use a pillow to hide his tent when they were gaming. When Type finally told him what was wrong Team cursed and swore to take revenge when he was calmer. Type wasn't phased in the least, he continued to laugh as Team grumbled and went back to his room. That was three hours ago, the effect of the pill was still there and the cold shower had done little to reverse it, so in his horny state of mind he made the decision to come to Win.

The smile on Wins face grew, he thought it was funn- "If you laugh, I'll punch your face" Team warned, turning the upcoming laughter into a cough.

"Want me to help you, right?" Win asked gripping his hip and shoulder, Team nodded. Win pushed him and turned them around so now he loomed over his boyfriend. He was excited and happy that Team had come to find him, with the newfound energy he put a hand under Teams waist and pulled him up so both their bodies were comfortably on the bed.

He pressed Team's wrists on either side of his head as he closed the distance between their lips, the kisses started from his lips and slowly moved to his cheek then jaw then down his neck. They were rubbing their groins against each other the whole time, Team let out small moans and breaths that encouraged the elder who was planting hickeys on the juniors collarbone. His hands left Teams wrists and slipped under Teams shirt, playing with his nipples, pulling, rubbing and pinching them as he moved back up to capture Teams lips again. Each of their muffled moans got lost into the kiss as they grinded harder and increased the friction between them.

Win pulled away from the kiss, his eyes burning with lust and desire as he took Team's hands and placed them on the pillow. "Don't move them" He said before giving Team another peck and moving down, he reached the waistband of his pants, and noticed the tent inside, he slowly began to pull teams shorts down, leaving butterfly kisses on his stomach as he did.

"Wa-wait..." Team's cock sprung out, it was already red and leaking. Win looked up at him, he was now covering his face with the pillow. He found it really cute but now it wasn't the time to laugh.

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