Total Chaos

937 45 13

This is a merge of random chaos of the UWMA and between us gang


Team : *sits beside Win on the club sofa*

Win : *smiles*

Team : *tipsy* hey handsome~

Win : *surprised* hey love.

Team : *evil grin*

Team : You know.....I like my partners like I like my intrusive thoughts..

Win : ???

Team : *whispers* fucking over me in the middle of the night.

Team : *sasses away to the dance floor*

Win : *malfunctions in yaoi*

Mannow : *chopping chillies*

Del : SSSS! Ah! Something went in my eye!

Mannow : Oi Del! Are you okay?

Del : *Tearing up* It's not coming out

Mannow : wait let me help *holds Del's eye upen and tries to softly remove eyelash*

Del : *eye burns* AAAHHHHH!!

Mannow : *moves back and cups her own face in shock* oH my god Del I'm so sorr-

Mannow : *stabs own eye accidently* -AAAHHHHHHHH

Del : Aaaahhhhh!! *stumbling around blind*

Mannow : Aaaaahhhh!! *walking around blind- trying to find the wall*

Team : *rushes in* what happened?

Mannow : *stabs Team in the eyes while looking for the wall*


Del : Aaaaaaahhh!!

Mannow : I'M SORRY!! *still searching for a wall*

Pharm : ........

Parm : *wondering how they managed to fuck up that bad*


Pharm : Hey! I was nice!!

Del : *patts his head* yes Pharm. You and Mannow were the only ones being good.

Dean : And me?

Del : *glares* if you being nice is the same as you ignoring everyone then yes P'Dean you were absolutely fabulous.

Team : HEY! Me and Hia were being nice too! We didn't say a single mean word no matter what they said and we didn't ignore anyone either!

Del : *frowns* Mannow? Show them.

Mannow : *shows phone screen*

Del : This is how you guys were looking at least one third of the entire time!

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Del : This is how you guys were looking at least one third of the entire time!

Win & Team : *gives small guilty smile*

It was Dean's birthday.

Win saw the man standing in class and ran up to him from behind. He tackled Dean and hooked his arm around Dean's neck. "Good Morning birthday boy!"
Dean gave Win a take your hand off before I break it glare but Win simply smiled wider, daring to even ruffle his best friends hair.

Win knew his friend wasn't going to bite so he had his fun. Dean sighed and let Win off with a smack on the back of his head. To Dean's disappointment however Win decided to be bubbly and touchy all day, playing with his hair, talking cheerily and grinning wide. Dean found it kid of cute, but nothing close to where Pharm was. If pharm's cuteness was a 100 then Win was 2.

In the afternoon when the group came together to have lunch Dean noticed everyone on the table looking at him. This had been happening all day! And he didn't know why.

"Is there something on my face?"

"A-ah no phi..." Pharm was the first to answer "... It's your hair actually- it looks adorable na! It's just very....-new? so we couldn't help but stare"

Confused Dean grabbed his phone and opened the camera to see what he was talking about.

The fuck?!

There were 5 colourfull hair bead clips, clipped onto his hair and a childrens hair pin with a large carrot on it! Dean immediately undid them, since when was this on?!

Had he been walking like this all day?! So that's why everyone was staring at him?

That's when he caught movement in his peripheral vision. Win had picked his bag and slipped away from the table some time during this exchange and was now trying to smoothy walk off.

"WIN?!" Dean yelled at his accusingly acting friend.

Win turned back and flashed him a scared-guilty smile "Happy birthday?"

Dean immediately got up from his seat and Win yelped into a sprint.

The rest of the group remained seated, happily munching on their food and watching Dean chase the blonde all around campus.

Win : *enters kitchen to get cornflakes*

Dean Pharm standing in the kitchen

Dean : *Cupping Pharm's cheek* You're tiny *with smitten eyes* you're only allowed to carry one thing na!

Win : *raises brow* *confused* There's nothing in his hands Dean

Win : What's Pharm carrying ?

Dean : *glances at Win* He's - *looks at Pharm and puts one hand on his own chest* carrying my heart~

Win : *disgusted*

Dean : *smitten* Is it heavy, my love?

Pharm : *blushing* P' Deeeaaann!

Dean : *smiles* But even if it's heavy, you can't put it down na~

Dean : *Puts Pharm's hand on his chest* because, I only have one heart *stairs lovingly in his eyes*

Win : *Absolutely horrified* *makes puking noises* *looks away*

Win : Uggh! My ears and eyes have been violated! *runs out of the kitchen* TEEEEAAAMMMM!!

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