Mine now (2/2)

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One of Boun and Prem's old classmates had arranged a grade reunion. Everyone was coming.

Arriving at the bar together, Boun and Prem split up, on their way to the bar they had decided to first meet up with the people who they hadn't seen in years and hang out with their mutual friends at the end. Over the course of the night, more people had turned up, the bar almost taken over by ex students. Everyone gradually drank more and more and as it got late, people started heading back, it was just Prem and fluke left. The two friends chatted for a while till they noticed people from the other group had gone too, leaving Boun and Ohm.

They make their way over and sat next to their partners, Ohm and Fluke instantly started a conversation. Prem moved closer to Boun, resting his head on the latters shoulder and holding his arm, from years of being his bestfriend he knew Boun melted every time he got touchy with him

But this time it didn't work, Prem stared in shock as Boun huffed at him and moved away. Team's heart broke a little at that. What had happened?

"Boun?" Prem called but the man simply turned away and stared at the wall on the other side.

"What's wrong with him?" Fluke asked Ohm who looked kike he was was trying his best not to laugh.

Prem gave Ohm a questioning look as Boun huffed away again when he tried to touch his shoulder.

Ohm grinned as he spoke, "He's drunk. Earlier he saw you sitting by the bar and said he would confess and make you his boyfriend, when I told him you already had a boyfriend he was furious and started sulking"

Prem too cracked a smile as he heard what the other said "He's angry because he forgot I'm his boyfriend? You didn't bother correcting him?"

"Oh I did" Dean raised his hands in defense before placing them back down and showing the two his phone screen.

"I showed him this picture and said this was your boyfriend

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"I showed him this picture and said this was your boyfriend. He got angry and started grumbling about how shitty this guy was for you and how he was much better"

Suddenly Boun turned around and snatched the phone from his hands switching it off before shoving it back to Ohm "I'm more handsome than that guy!" He pouted before turning back to face the wall. Prem, Ohm and Fluke were all lost in a fit of laughter.

"Oh god.....I-I think I should take him back" Prem said deciding his stupid boyfriend had enough to drink. Ohm and Fluke agreed and left first.

"Boun?" Prem called out fondly, shaking the grumpy man. "Come on let's go home"

Boun looked back at him for a few seconds before turning back around "No!"

Prem moved closer, leaning into his ear "What if your boyfriend asks you to go back?"

Boun turned around at that, looking amused, looking adorable"I have a boyfriend?"

Prem smiled and hummed, having to hold back from smashing his lips against the other right then and there "Did you forget teerak?Your my boyfriend....Won't you listen to me?"

The blonde's eyes widened in joy, he gave a small gasp before throwing himself on Prem for a hug making him laugh and ruffle the others hair "You happy now baby?"

Boun squealed and let out a short giggle before he felt his hands being removed from around Prem's waist and someone supporting him up to a standing position. It took his a few seconds to register that Prem was helping him walk out of the bar. He giggled again when he saw Prem standing so close to him. He felt butterflies flutter in his stomach when Prem leaned in close to pull the seatbelt around him.

When they got home Prem forced Boun to finish a glass of honey water before they took a bath together. Boun was sound asleep by the time Prem changed and got out the hangover pills, placing them on the table.

Boun had early morning classes tomorrow while Prem's started at 10, not wanting his precious sleep to be disturbed in the morning he headed back up to his dorm for the night.


The next day Prem noticed than Boun was avoiding him, he was sure the later had seen him in the corridor but rushed away in the other direction.

Prem tried approaching him a few times after that but Boun efficiently got away every time.

Now, Prem was hiding in the supply closet of the pool locker room, knowing that Boun always came in first. He peaked out from beside the open door when he heard someone coming in, hiding back immediately when he recognised his boyfriends figure.

He had left the supply's room door open to bait Boun into coming closer. As the vice president came to close the door Prem grabbed him and pulled him inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Fuck! What the hell? Prem?!" Boun stared, one hand on his heart "What are you doing?! You scared meh-"

He was cut off as the dark haired boy pushed his back against the wall and gripped his hips tightly, leaving merely centimetres between their faces.

"P-prem? "

"Why are you ignoring me?"


"Why are you ignoring me? You've been avoiding me the whole day. Did I do something wrong? Is it because I didn't sleep next to y-"

Prem stopped speaking when he felt the other fist his shirt from the shoulder and back before burying his face into Prem's neck. "I'm not angry with you" Boun spoke in a small voice.

Prem was confused for some time before a possibility hit him"Are...are you embarrassed because you forgot I was your boyfriend yesterday and badmouthed your own picture-"

Boun quickly pressed a hand on his boyfriends mouth "Don't talk about it!" He whined feeling Prem smile behind his fingers.

His eyes widened when he felt a hand slide from his waist to his right ass cheek and squeeze it, Boun removed his hand from Prem's mouth and moved back to face him.

"Your so cute" Prem whispered sliding his other hand to the other butt cheek and squeezing both of them together

"What are you doing?" Boun whispered back, enjoying what was happening but not willing to admit it out loud.

"Your mine..." Prem growled in his ear "...only mine". Not able to hold back anymore Boun put both hands on Prem's face and pulled him into a kiss, impatient he licked Prem's lips demanding entrence before the younger opened his mouth letting Boun move his tongue inside.

They continued making out while Prem kneaded Boun's ass through his jeans. Breaking away in the middle only to breathe. Prem felt Boun's hard on pressing against him, that's when he stopped and broke the kiss. Taking a step away.

"W-what?" Boun asked confused and panting lightly.

Prem smirked "That's what you get for ignoring me, now suffer here with your problem" He pointed at the tent on the blonde's crotch before heading out the door and letting it close behind him.

Boun thought of barging out and pulling Prem back inside with him but the sound of more people entering the lockers and chattering stopped him.

He couldn't go out like this! Prem had left him there knowing his hard on would be completely obvious when he changed into his swimming shorts. Mentally cursing the evil shit, he just stood there waiting for both his tent and the students to go.

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