Do you love me?

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A smile grew on Win's face as he exited the room and headed out. Team turned to face him, adjusting the collar of his Tuxedo.

"Ready to go?" Team asked, interlocking their hands together.

Win let out a long breath as he held Teams other arm and turned the man so they were facing each other. He knew he was being stupid, they had been together since the first year of uni but he couldn't stop himself from asking this. He felt as though someone were doing flips in his stomach.

Win: "Team.... "

Team: "Hmm?"

Win: "You love me right? Like really really love me?"

For the past few days Win had been anxious and overthinking everything. He knew he always wanted to be with Team. They just felt so right together but for some reason he was nervous.

Team's mouth slightly parted in confusion before he gave Win a look that said are you stupid?

Team: "Seriously? Win....."

The other man looked down at him eagerly

Team: ".......We're getting married in seven minutes, the guests are already outside"

Win stood there defiant "So?"

Team gave out a small laugh at his soon to be husband's behavior "Yes, I love you. Really really love you"
Dean was standing at the entrance watching the scene unfold in front of him. He cleared his throat, startling the two men "If you both are your done with your cheesiness then we have a wedding to finish"

"How long have you been here?" Win asked hoping that Dean had not heard what he asked Team seconds ago.

"Long enough to know and record that my best friend is a bigger idiot than I thought" The man shrugged turning away to leave "Now come out everyone's calling you!"

"Okay lets go- wait...DID YOU SAY RECORD?! AY SAT! GIVE ME YOUR PHONE-" Win yelled rushing behind Dean before stopping and running back to grab Team's hand. He dragged Team behind him as he chased Dean to the end of the hall.

Sadly though Dean was faster and had already escaped outside, into the assembly of awaiting guests where Win could no longer chase him. Dean planned to use the video to blackmail Win on multiple occasions in the future.

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