Pick up lines (2)

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Team was in a bad mood. He had just cut the call after fighting with his parents because of his score in the recent test.

Unknown of the danger he was getting into Win strode into changing rooms to see Team had already changed into his swimming shorts and was sitting on the bench.

Not seeing anyone else in the place Win whistled at his boyfriend, causing the latter to look up at him

Win : *smirks* What do you do for a living aside being sexy?

Team : *glares as Win snapped his last straw* DO YOU THINK I'M USELESS? Are you saying I have nothing but my looks? Get lost hia, I can get good marks too okay! *tearing up* I'm trying my fucking best over here. *pushes Win away* you're so mean. I know I'm not good at studying, you don't have to rub it on my face!
*storms off wiping tears*

Win : *stands there open mouthed not understanding what happened*

He turns when he hears the click of one of the stall doors unlocking.

Dean: *peeps out from inside; sees only Win and comes out*

Win : Dean... Did you hear everything?

Dean : *pats his shoulder* Every word.........You're fucked.

Win : B-but what did I do wrong?

Dean : *smiles* Everything

Win : *confused* What?! Why?!

Dean : *walks out*

Few days later....

Team, Win, Pharm and Dean were sitting at the lunch table during their break when Win caught Team looking at his legs.

Win : *smirks* *snaps his fingers in front of Team* What you looking at?

Team : *stuttering* U-uh, nothing hia, um....your legs look great in those jeans.

Win : *flirty* Oh you should see me without them.

Team : *confused* Why would I see you without your legs?

Team almost jumped at the immediate reaction. Pharm slammed his hands on the table and dug his head in his arms. Dean was trying to hide his laughter and Win simply continued to eat his food after gaping dumfounded at Team for a few seconds.

Soon Win glanced up at Team, he could practically see the wheels starting to move in the youngers head. He saw the exact moment Team realised what the senior had actually meant.
The boy's eyes widened in realisation "Ohhhh!"


Team put down his book when he heard Win come out of the bathroom and call him sweetly. He knew what this tone mostly meant. It meant his boyfriend had seen some couply video and wanted to try something with him.

Last time it had been couple's yoga, Team was in no mood to exercise and had managed to avoid the situation by smothering Wins cheek with kisses and leaving him blushing the whole day.

Team watched Win climb on bed next to him, wondering what his faen had seen this time.

The senior left his phone on the side table and smiled at his faen.

Win : Talk dirty to me

Team : *stops breathing* W-What?

Win : I want to hear you to talk dirty to me babe

Team : *caught off gaurd* I- I'm not good at it hia...

Win : *moves closer* *covers Teams hand with his* It's okay. Give it a try. For me?

Team : *blushing* *stuck between Win and head rest* ..um...I've been bad. *looks into his eyes*

Win : *seductivy bites his lips* Oh ya? How bad? *traces finger down Team's jaw*

Team : *flustered* *confused* I -I....uh...... I burnt my hand?

Win : Really? Then- ........Wait, what?!

He moves back a little and immediately takes both of Team's hands and scans them.

Win : Where? *finds burn mark* Oh god.

Win : *serious* When did this happen Team?

Team : Don't worry, it's nothing hia, I was keeping the pan in the sink after breakfast and forgot that it was hot.

Win : *glares*

Team : *gulps* *guilty laugh* He he he

Win : *flicks head* You haven't even bandaged it!

Team : Oi. I put cream on it before na.

Win : *getting up* Wait here. I'll dress it again.

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Team's burn

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Team's burn

The End

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