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Soulmate AU : Where people are born with a small black mark/tatto on their body. It glows when people come in contact with their soulmate. The mark burns the first few times they touch, amount of times it burns differs from person to person.
Everyone is born with a feeling of longing, a feeling that only stops once you've met your fated one(s)


The two inmates roughly tugged Boun forward as they dragged him away from his cell. Boun knew better than to put up any resistance, both the men were buff and from the way his cell mate and all the other prisoners cowered and made way for them, he figured they had a good amount of power here.

It hadn't even been a day since he had come here and things were already looking bad for him. The prison had provided him with only the most basic toiletries and an extra change of the orange prison uniform. He was sharing his cell with a 40-something, round, grouchy man. The moment the gaurds had left him in the cold cell, the guy had snatched his toothpaste and shampoo throwing two old, half used ones on the ground telling him to respect his elders and use it quietly if he didn't want trouble.

Boun had just accepted it, he was still processing the events that had happened till now and didn't need more trouble.
His step brother, Boss, had:
Killed his grandfather
Fabricated evidence
Framed Boun
Turned his family against him
Bought Boun's lawer and had him sent to prison..... All so he could get the inheritance.

The guy knew grandfather loved Boun more and would never let the inheritance go outside his blood family as long as he lived, so he had killed the old man and framed and imprisoned Boun, leaving himself as the only possible hier.

He snapped back into reality as they finally stopped near a certain cell. There was a gaurd standing outside it, Boun calmed a little as he figured the gaurd would catch them and throw them back into their cells. The man, however, simply scanned the three before knocking on the cell door.
What the hell?!

He was clearly a prison gaurd and Boun had specifically be told before entering the building, that prisoners were not allowed to loiter around without permission.

He looked at the gaurd with desperation as a rough voice from the inside told them to enter. His heart began to pace faster as the cell door started to open.
No, please, I don't want to be beaten up. No, please. God please. Help me!

He looked at the gaurd with pleading eyes as the men dragged him towords the cell, but the gaurds expression remained emotionless. Boun heard the cell door slam shut behind him as the two men pushed him down to his knees. He didn't dare look up. From were he was kneeling on the cold ground, he could see the base of a bed and the legs of three other men, one sitting and the other two flanking him on either side. The bed in this cell was obviously different than the others, it looked much better and softer, unlike his own which was basically rubber on a metal slab.

"Is he the new guy?" One of the men infront of him spoke.

"Yes boss, he's the new guy in 910" This time one of the men holding his shoulder down answered him.

"910? Isn't that Pravat's place?"

"It is. Looks like he finally got a room mate to bully huh" A guy in front of him laughed.

"Hey, you! Look up" Boun immediately lifted his gaze, looking up at the three men in front of him. He felt himself forget how to breathe for a few seconds. It was the guy in the middle. Fuck. He'd taken Boun's breath away.
Is it even possible for someone to maintain such beauty in prison?

 Is it even possible for someone to maintain such beauty in prison?

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