Drunk Team

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Win picked up his phone

There was loud music playing in the background "HELLO? WIN?"

"Ya Pharm what happened?"





Win could hear Team speaking from behind "Who are you talking to Pharmmie?..... Is it hia Win?....... Huh!! Call him here!!"

After some disturbance which will assume that was caused by team snatching the phone from Pharm, the biy spoke "HIIIAAA??"

"TEAM GIVE THE PHONE BACK TO PHARM" Win said loudly so his voice could be heard by the Junior over the club music.

"NOOOOOO.COME HERE FIRST, OR I WILL JUMP THERE AND DO A FLIP! OH MY CAN I DO A FLIP?" Then his voice became distant "LET'S DO A FLIP!!" Was all Win heard before the phone call ended.

After few minutes he got a notification. Pharm had texted him their location. Win took his bike keys, his jacket, closed the door and let his apartment.


On reaching there it took him some time to find then but eventually he found team sitting on the table moving his hands as if he was trying to swim.

"FINALLY YOU CAME!!" A very sober Pharm said as he supported a drunk Manow.


Win nodded reassuring him that he would take care of team. Pharm went away and Win put his arms under teams armpits, trying to lift him off the seat. Suddenly team got up and pushed him away.

"I HaVe A bOyFrIeNd FuckEr!! MoVE AWAY!!"

What?! They weren't officially dating yet so who was Team talking about?

"WHO'S YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" Team didn't answer insted he sat back down and turned the other way "TEAM IM ASKING YOU SOMETHING. WHO IS YOUR BOYFRIEND?!"

Win bent closer to team who was cocooned up on the couch holding his phone upside down against his ear "Who are you talking to?" Win tried to take his phone but Team pushed him and stood up, stumbling "Move aWaY. My boo will beat you up and when I'm not drunk I'll kick your ass too"

"You don't have a boyfriend Team" Win sighed, shaking his head.

"I DO!!" Team yelled looking offended, his eyes still closed, he lost his balance.

Win almost smiled at the reaction. He caught Team before he fell down. Immediately the other put his hand on Wins cheek and started pushing his face away as roughly as he could

"YA TEAM!! IT'S ME!! IT'S HIA STOP PUSHING ME!!" Team stopped and squinted his eyes open "Hia?"

He moved closer to examine the face in front of him, Win saw recognition flow past his drunk hazed eyes. Team wrapped his hands around Wins neck "Hiaa caame~ I want to go home naa"

"Your home is far from here Team, let's go to the dorms" Win smiled as he helped Team stand up but Team stared at him.

"Not that home silly-" He leaned in so that his lips brushed the seniors ear "our home. Mine and Hia's home. My boyfriend an my homee. Let's gooo~"

Wins eyes briefly widened. Home. My boyfriend and my home...My boyfriend.... Boyfriend.

He grinned "Am I your boyfriend Team?"

"Hmm. Hia is my boyfriend. Only mine" He said hugging him.

Win had the biggest smile plastered on his face. He had waited to so long to give their relationship a name. He only hoped Team would remember what he said once he was sober.

"Okay Team, let's go na"

"WAIT!!" Team yelled "I have to use the bathroom. Please!! Fast"
Win supported team up against him as they snaked through the crowd to the washrooms.

"Can you stand?" Win asked as team stumbled into one of the cubicles.

"Hmmm, I can do it" He said fumbling with his zipper. After seeing Team struggle for some time Win decided to help "Wait pao, let me help you..."

He got in and closed the cubical door so that no one saw and bought his hands to Teams zipper from behind. Win turned the other way as he helped Team open it. "Okay now do your business" He said turning away.

The sound of peeing stopped after some time then there was the sound of fumbling of jeans "Hia Win" Team cried out in frustration "I can't close the ziibb" Win tried not to laugh as he turned around to see Team who had his back to him. "Ah fine, stand still I'll help." He bought his hands to the front again but this time when he felt for Teams crotch and started zipping his jeans up, Team leaned his back against him, with his head leaning on Win's shoulder and let out a moan.

Win froze. He had heard him moan before too but now they were in a night club! Anyone in the comfort room could hear those sounds! Recovering from the shock he zipped Team up quickly. Before he could move though Team turned and pinned him aginst the cubicle door

"Ay team... " Win started but Team already dove for his neck, kissing it. Win took him by the shoulder and lightly pushed him away "Team wat are you doing?"

"Mmm" The younger frowned "You started it hia." He slowly leaned towards Wins ear and pulled his earlobe between his lips softly "Now I'm going to fuck you~"

Wins soul left his body. Team started kissing his earlobe. "Ay team!" Win held his shoulders and gently pushed him back, Team groaned "Where did you learn how to speak like that?"

Team gave him a cute drunk smile and giggled. Win couldn't help but smile along. Dammit he was whipped. "I won't tell you" Team teased.

Win huffed and opened the cubicle door, getting out "Come on Team, come here, let's wash your hands and face then we'll go home."

Team nodded and went to wash his hands. When he finished washing up, win got tissues to wipe his hand and face. He helped Team out if the club and onto his bike. After making sure Team was holding him tightly Win started to drive.

The last half of the ride home was a little difficult because Team either kept groping Win or whispering vulger things that would make the senior turn pink. "When we reach home I'm going to fuck you" Team whispered "Or maybe you can look at me while I ride you~......... Maybe I will first fuck you then ride you"

Win knew that if he listened to such talk from Team for some more time his soul was officialy going to leave his body.

On reaching the dorms win rushed them to Teams room lest someone hear what Team was saying. He pushed Team on the bed and got up to get honey water for him.

"Drink it" He gave an order rather than asking. Team did as he was told. "There is no way in hell I am letting you drink again. If you drink then it's when I am there or never at all" He scolded while removing Teams shirt and helping him get into something more comfortable.

Team let out a satisfied grunt as he slumped down on the bed in comfortable pj's. He wrapped his hands around wins neck and hung onto him like a koala, kissing his cheek "Kiss me"

Win looked at the boy he had fallen for and booped his nose. "Now now Team. Your drunk."

"Pretty please?" He pouted.

Win gave a sigh of defeat and went for a peck, but Team held him down, turning it into a kiss and then a heated make out. Soon win could feel Team getting tired and slowing down. He broke the kiss and gave Team small pecks on his forehead, cheeks, eye lids, chin and nose. The boy had his eyes closed as he smiled and within seconds he had fallen asleep.

Win let out a huff of air and got up to make sure the door was locked. He then switched off the lights and got in beside his lover. Ya, there is no way I'm letting you drink again.

The end

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