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Team stood outside the shop, having a small final mental debate in his head. Do I really want to do this? That wasn't even a real question, he already knew the answer and it was Yes. He did.

Releasing his breath Team entered the shop. He was not going to turn back now.

"Hello." The man at the registration greeted him.

"Hi. Um do I have to get and appointment or.... "

"Ah no sir, there are no appointments needed. Are you planning on getting something dine today?"

Team nodded his head and showed the man the picture, explaining what he wanted.

After a few minutes Team was laying on the hydraulic tattoo chair. He was excited. This would be his first actual tatoo. His heartbeat slowed back to normal as the tattoo artist came in and sat next to him. She gave him a warm smile.

"Hey! You ready?"

Team nodded nervously "Ya. I'm ready"
[ One week later ]

Today was their seven year anniversary. Win had surprised Team by buying them tickets to Phuket. He had even called Team's company and taken days off for him. Now Team was standing outside the resort hut watching Win run to the beach. Great. Just great. This was not how he had wanted to show Win the tatoo!! He thought he would do it over a romantic bubble bath or something!

It is what it is. Now he had to make the best of it. It can't be that bad, on a beach instead of a tub. He only hoped Win wouldn't flip out. That's why he had wanted to show him in private, so even if Win got pissed the chances of Team ruining a date were none. At least this was a private beach so the number of people on it right now we're less.

Team hurried behind him as Win continued to run towards the water "Come fast, slowpoke!!" Win yelled turning his head around causing him to trip and fall chest first on the sand.

Team burst out laughing as soon as Win hit the ground. After he saw Win glaring at him, from the same position on the sand,Team fell to his knees in laughter.

"Ay sat! Stop laughing!" Win grumbled walking back up to his boyfriend. Team caught his breath and moved just in time to avoid the kick coming from Win "Ah" He heaved, finally getting up to his feet "okay okay I won't laugh- pff-  but you should have seen your face hia."

Win caught Team in a headlock, the younger managed to slip out and started running towards the water, "Come on hia, your going to loose!" He yelled, not making the mistake of turning around. Team intentionally let Win take over and reach the water first.

Win squatted down in the water letting the waves his his back. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked back at Team who stood beside a beach chair where Win had removed his slippers.

Its now or never.

Team thought. He took of his shirt, not breaking eye contact with the man in the water. He saw Win look to the left side of his chest. He saw it. Well it would be kind of difficult NOT TO NOTICE. Win's eyes widened when he realised what it was, his smile turned into surprise. Team held his breath as win got up after the pause and started running upto him.

"Team!" He exclaimed as he held the top of the other's arms, examining the tattoo "What's this?"

"Happy anniversary Hia" Team chirped in reply. Wins eyes widened and Team knew that he wasn't angry.

"Y-You got this tattooed? Like forever?"

Team chuckled and nodded, "How else would I get it tattooed? Why? Don't you like it-"

His words were cut off by a pair of lips on his, Win put his hands around Team's waist and pulled him closer. Team knew there was no one around so let his eyes flutter close and responded equally to the kiss. At first it was slow and sweet but soom it turned more intense and hot.

Finally, they broke the kiss. Panting, Win still didn't let go of Team. "I can take that as compensation for the pain." Team grinned, referring to the after-pain the tattoo had caused.

"Does it hurt?" Win asked worried, tracing his finger right above the black lines but not touching them.

"I got it a week before hia"

"What?!" Win looked into his faen's eyes "How did I not notice?!"

"It was a surprise hia, you weren't supposed to notice." He pointed out "Do you like it?"

Win chuckled "Like it? I love it". He paused for a brief second, looking at the plam sized wing tattoo with Win's name in the middle, before leaning in and kissing Team again. He felt the younger smile through the kiss.

"Ah ah, enough" Team said, pulling away "Now let's go to the sea" He laughed running into the water with win catching up behind him. Team caught Win staring at his tattoo multiple times. Did he really think Team would let him go after those smiles and looks he kept flashing?


He kept his eyes closed even as he heard the bathroom door open and someone enter. There was only one person in could be. Team opened his eyes and scooted forward as he felt Win nudge his back. Slowly the other entered the oval jacuzzi tub putting his legs in either side of the younger.

Team leaned against Win's back, they were both tired after all the playing around they had done on the beach and in the room afterwards.

He felt Win kiss his hair. "" Team mumbled as arms wrapped themselves around his front and squeezed him close before finally loosening up. Win smiled and whispered from behind "Rak na"

The End

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