Mini ff's (3)

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Win coming out to his father

Win : *nervous* dad?

Win's dad : Ya?

Win : I wanted to tell you this for a long time, and..... I'm  bisexual.

Dad : That means you would have a male partner?

Win : Yes

Dad : or a female partner?

Win : Yup

Dad : So that means if you don't find a partner you're on standbi?

Win : ..........

Dad : ..........

Win : ..........

Dad : ..........

Win : Did you just-



Win and Team were in a bookstore, this is before they confessed their feelings.

Win : *Smiles excitedly seeing a cartain book.*

Win : *Hands it to Team* This is one of my favourite book, the story sent me on a rollercoaster. Do you want to read it?!

Team : *smiles* Of course

Random woman : *sees Team holding an LGBT+ based book* Excuse me?

Both turn towords her

Random woman : *Talks about Team being "TOO YOUNG to read a book about THOSE SORT OF PEOPLE" *

Team : *pissed* *Notices her carrying the third Hunger Games Book*

Team : *cuts her off* Excuse me?

Random Woman : *pauses*

Team : *points at the book* Prim dies. *grabs Win's hand and walks away*


Angry Team

Team : *exhausted and angry after Win picks on him and makes only him do extra practice and workouts.*

Win : *smirking* Why Are you looking at me like that? Do you want to thank me for helping you so much?

Team : *glares at Win with pure malice* I want to do bad things to you hia Win.

Win : *still smirking* Like what?

Team : Break your legs!

Team : choke you to death!

Team : Push you off a building!

Win : oooh Kinky

Team : ..........

Team : *getting up* That's it, I'm gonna kill you-



Win and Team were sitting on their room floor, watching TV and eating pastries.

Team : *licks icing off the back of his hand*

Win : *notices*

Win : *immediately spreads icing near his lips*

Team : *turns to Win* Oi hia, you have icing all over your face

Win : *little expectant* Clean it for me na

Team : *eyes Win and leans closer*

Win : *looks on as his heart starts to race*

Team : *Takes tissue from behind Win and wipes cream off his face* There *goes back to watching movie*


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