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Unknown pov

We see ace standing before a grave stone that read

Summer Rose thus kindly I scatter

Ace: hey grandma I've started to wonder why I don't fit in anywhere I tried to make friends at signal but I failed every time I don't know why I try anymore

Suddenly a leaf fell from the tree nearby as if to say everything will be okay

Ace was about to make his way towards his family's log cabin he shared with his mother's and his aunts and his sister and his cousins

When a pack of beowolves surrounded him and charged forward

Ace loaded Ace of spades with dust bullets

He fired into the pack of beowolves body parts exploding off the grimms body's cutting down multiple grimm

A beowolves pounced on to of Ace only for for silver light to come from his silver eyes and turn the beowolves to stone in mid air

Ace activated his Semblance golden gun and disintegrated the frozen beowolves

A alpha beowolf appeared and charged Ace only for Ace to charge right at it he crashed into the alpha beowolf and fired all his dust bullets into the grimms skull killing it

The grimm around him began to disintegrate into dark smoke

We see ace glowing with golden light he looked back at his grandmother's grave one last time before walking off towards his home

When Ace arrives at his familes home he sees his mother's and aunts laughing while watching TV

Ace walks passed them quietly before going upstairs to his bedroom he shares with his cousins

He sees Percy taking a nap while blaze was reading a poetry book

Blaze gave Ace a knowing look

Percy started to snore

Blaze: you went their again didn't you

Ace: none of your business Blaze

Blaze: you know we're family right we protect are own

Ace: you and Percy and Snow are the favorites in are family were I'm a outcast because I'm willing to do what others are unwilling to do

Percy: shut up I'm trying to sleep

Ace: whatever I'm going to bed

Ace layed down in his bed and instantly fell asleep with one thought on his mind why was he different from his family and everything goes dark

We see a white cloaked figure floating above Summer Roses grave before disappearing into white rose Petals and the cloaked figure was gone

End of prologue

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