chapter 4 iniation and a surprising revelation vol 1

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Ace pov

I awoke the next morning and got dressed in my my red armor and white cloak

I noticed that my sibling and cousins had already left to go to iniation without me

As I arrived on the cliff I saw my sister and cousins standing on pressure plates

I got on my pressure plate and was ready to be launched

Professor Pine: today is your iniation as many of you may have guessed the first person you lock eyes with will be your teammates for the next four years

Ace along with his sister and cousins were launched into the emerald forest

Ace fired his handcanon and made his way towards the ground

Snow summoned a griffin summon to fly towards the ground

Percy shot out his metal claws and slid down a tree in the emerald forest

Blaze activated his Semblance and flew through the air towards the ground

Ace: gotta find Snow before anyone else does I guess Percy or Blaze could be good teammates to as Ace turned the corner he locked eyes with his sister Snow who immediately sighed with annoyance

Percy slashed his metal claws through a pack of beowolves causing them to disintegrate Percy rounded the corner and locked eyes with Blaze who gave him a look of complete annoyance

Ace and Snow made their way towards the clearing were the relics sat

Ace: double sided coins that's the relic

Snow: just grab one already Ace

Ace grabbed a golden double sided coin

Percy and Blaze walked inside a cave thinking that the cave was the place the relic resided

Percy saw a glowing object and grabbed for it only to be lifted in the air

Percy: blaze help me this isn't the relic

Blaze: hang on Percy don't let go

Percy was flung in the air towards were the relics truly resided

Blaze took off in a run

Ace and Snow heard a monstrous howl before Percy fell from the sky

Ace caught Percy and placed him on his feet

Blaze ran into the clearing a a deathstalker behind him crashing through the trees

Ace: blaze grab a relic and let's get out of here

The four cousins ran towards ancient ruins with a deathstalker on their trail

Ace: we can't keep running we need to kill that deathstalker before it can hurt anyone else

Snow: are you insane

Percy: I expect you have a plan Ace

Blaze: I'll distract it while you three come up with a plan

Ace: Percy and blaze lead the deathstalker towards the middle of the bridge while Snow gives me a boost

Ace jumped on Snow Glyph while blaze and Percy lead the deathstalker towards the middle of the bridge Ace was launched forward by Snow Glyph

Ace threw a dust grenade at the bridge causing to explode and the bridge fell in taking Ace and the deathstalker down with it

Snow ran towards the edge of the bridge with complete terror on her face

Ace hung on a pillar below the bridge

Ace: a little help

Snow helped Ace back on the bridge

Snow hugged Ace close while crying tears of joy

Percy and blaze looked at eachother with a knowing look

Blaze: Snow I think it's time to tell Ace the truth of why we're so hard on him

Snow: I agree it's time

Ace: what are you three talking about

Time skip

Ace pov

Me Snow and Percy and blaze stood on the stage ready to become a team

Professor Pine: Ace Rose and Snow Rose and Percy Xiao long and Blaze Xiao long picked up the double edged coins you shall be known as team SLVR lead by Ace Rose

Ace: me

Professor Pine: yes congratulations young man

Ace and his sister and cousins made their way towards their dormitories

All four of them sat down on their beds to have a very serious conversation

Snow: Ace theirs something we need to tell you about your birth that are mothers kept secret from you all these years

Ace: is that the reason you've been assholes to me for my whole life

Blaze: the day you were born was a happy occasion but when you born you stopped breathing and were pronounced dead but a miracle happened you awoke in a morgue crying you were alive that's all we cared about it was a miracle

Percy: when are mothers took you home they made us promise to protect you as you got older eventually we came to resent are promise so we started to push you away and put up barriers to separate us from you

Snow: but that all changed when we thought we lost you again are barriers fell down when we realized we were wrong to treat you that way

Ace: you don't get off that easily you'll have to prove to me that you really changed for the better

Percy: we promise we'll do better don't we guys

Snow agreed I'll be the best big sister to you Ace from now on

Percy: me and blaze promise to protect you no matter the cost

Ace: we'll see about that now I'm heading to bed

Ace walked into the bathroom and got dressed in his pajamas and layed down in his bed and instantly fell asleep

The last thing we see is Summer standing above ace bed she kissed him on the head before disappearing into rose petals and she was gone and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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