chapter 64 hello darkness my old friend vol 7

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Ronin pov

I walked through the solitos tundra as a Grimm pools started to appear in the ground

I slowly made my way towards the wall of mantel I climbed my way up the wall

As I reached the top I saw a atlas soldier patrolling the wall i activated my darkness Semblance stasis i quickly used

i snuck up behind the soldier and threw my scythe into his back causing him to disintegrate

I jumped down into the middle of the mantel street I deactivated my Semblance and walked into the crowd as atlas soldiers patrolling the streets of mantel

I walked into a alleyway were I saw a marking carved onto the wall I followed the markings to a old abandoned warehouse

I walked into the warehouse only for a gun to be pressed to the back of my head

Reaper: it's been a long time Ronin we thought that kid finally put you in the ground

Ronin: well I'm full of surprises Reaper

Shredder: Doctor Merlot wasn't happy with your failure

Ronin: I'll be sure to make it up to him

Reaper: were to detain you until Doctor Merlot arrives

Ronin: I'll do as he wishes for now

The last thing we see is Ronin being lead to a room were he would awaiting Merlots judgment and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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