chapter 39 a promise to keep vol 4

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Ace pov

I awoke in my home in patch my mother's were sitting on chairs by each side of my bed

I slowly sat up in bed causing my mother's to awaken

Ruby: Ace your awake We were so worried about you

Weiss: do you know how Reckless you were facing a Grimm human hybrid when your aura was shattered you could've died

Ace: I know and I'm sorry I promise to be more careful

Ruby: that's all we can ask when you're ready you'll follow your Team to Mistral they'll need your help

Weiss: now get some rest my little snowflake

Ace: I will mom

As his mother's left he got to his feet and got dressed in his newly repaired armor and sheathed Ace Of Spades in his holster

He slowly snuck downstairs and grabbed the boat ticket and made his way towards the shed were his sparrow was awaiting him

Ace: I promise I'll save this world no matter the cost

Ace activated the sparrow and drove off towards the docks he wasn't going to miss what was going to happen next

The last thing we see is Ruby and Weiss standing in their doorway as Ace disappeared into the distance and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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