chapter 88 Epilogue

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Ace pov

It had been five years sense Doctor Merlot was erased and i stood on a cliff overlooking the sea thinking about all of my adventures with Team SLVR

The world is finally a peace for now atleast the three brothers Ronin and Reaper and Shredder had been arrested by aunt Winter

They were imprisoned in a sub station deep below the sea

Me and my family were expecting a on coming wedding Kai and Snow would soon be husband and wife

but one thing kept nagging at me who did Merlot get his Grimm power from but that is a investigation for another generation

I looked up at the broken moon shining in the dark sky I knew that are adventures were only just beginning

I walked off towards my apartment and as I walked inside my Team gave me a knowing look

Snow: off on another adventure are you little brother

Ace: you know me sis I can't stay in one place for to long a gaurdians duty has only just begun

Snow: be safe Ace you'll be at the wedding won't you

Ace: you know me better than that I wouldn't miss it for the world

Ace walked into the distance leaving patch behind once more

A few months later we see Ace wearing a tuxedo along with the groomsmen

Kai watched as Snow walked down the aisle the priest made his speech and Kai kiss Snow

we see is Kai and Snow driving off into the distance everything was finally going their way

The war was finally at an end The light had finally come out of the shadows all it took was a family to bring about the shadows end

Light will always find a way through the shadows you don't save the light it saves you

End of Epilogue

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