chapter 63 a new path vol 7

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Ace pov

I was standing in a middle of a mission center were Team FNKY and Jaune began to explain the mission

Flynt: there's been surges of modified Grimm tormenting the dust mines are first priority is to eliminate any Grimm around the dust mine

Ace: what about the dust miners shouldn't evacuate the dust miner's

Jaune: if I've learned anything you gotta choose your battles

Flynt: finding survivors is a secondary priority the mineshaft is the main priority

I walked into a bullhead as it headed to the dust mines

Team SLVR looks at their new gear Ace got a cloak with a Ace of Spades emblem on the cape he got new armor as well which had a stealth systems that would help him sneak up on enemies

Snow got a armored dress that had ammo belt full of dust ammo for her rapier winter wrath

Percy got a sleek armored ninja outfit and a upgraded wrath of the oppressed which now was covered in many different dust crystals making him a threat to anyone who met his Wrath

Blaze got a armored kimono and wrath of the Fallen can now absorb any elements it comes into contact with

Kai got a leather armor which had a snowflake on his arm wilt and blush were upgraded to absorb more energy with each attack

Team SLVR and Kai jumped from the bullhead land near the dust mines Jaune land safely only for Kai to slide down the crane with no trouble

Flynt: Jaune and Kai your with me you

Neon: then I guess Team SLVR is with me

They made their through the solitos tundra fighting off packs of Grimm until their was none left

Then Suddenly a giant Grimm crashed through the ice and began to attacked Jaune and Kai Jaune blocks with his shield

Kai began charging up his Semblance and slashed a moonslice severing the Grimm head from it's shoulders

Snow was about to slip on the ice only for Kai to catch her he gave her a kind smile

Kai: is it just me or are you already falling for me Snow angel

Snow blushed red in embarrassment before walking over to her teammates

The last thing we see is a familar cloaked figure walking out of a bullhead as Grimm started to surround him he reached out his hands and the Grimm bowed before him Ronin had arrived and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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