chapter 11 the past comeback to haunt you vol 1

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Unknown pov

Their were people wearing white and red clothes with grimm masks and a red wolf with claw marks on their uniforms entered the Belladonnas whitefang meeting

The remnants of Adam Taurus whitefang began to gun down the members of the Belladonnas whitefang

???: kill them all leave the Belladonnas alive the true high leader wants them for himself

Blake unsheathed gamble shroud and lead her followers into battle

A young male bull faunus entered the room with wilt and blush on his side

He activated his Semblance moonslice and disabled Blake's followers

Blake sat against the stage with her aura shattered

Blake: who are you

???: you don't recognize me mother I'm the child you had with Adam Taurus that you abandoned to die

Blake: Kai but how are you here

Kai: my father found me after my adoptive parents died he saved me before he died and left me with one of his loyal followers who raised me to despise the Belladonnas I was only four years old when you killed my father I promised to be the one to kill you mother

Blake: I failed you Kai I should have come back for you it's my fault you became like Adam Taurus your monster of a father I've failed you I regret my choice to give you up if you ended up with him anyway

Kai: don't you dare say his name

The last thing we see is Kai hitting Blake with the pummele of wilt and blush knocking her unconscious I motioned for my followers to take her away he motioned for his followers to execute the remaining members of the Belladonnas whitefang and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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