chapter 30 a broken family vol 3

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Blake pov

I walked through Vale buying groceries when I saw Kai in the park reading a fairy tale book to faunus children in the Vale park

Blake watched how he interacted with the children he seemed happy

I slowly made my way towards my son hoping he would hear me out before trying to kill me

But right as I was about to approach him as he finished the fairy tale

Kai jumped in surprise at his birthmother approaching him he walked away disappearing into the crowd

Blake pulled out her scroll and dialed Yangs scroll number

Blake: Yang Kai is somewhere in Vale

Yang: don't worry kitty we'll find him and bring him home

What Blake didn't know was Kai was listening to his mother's conversation it only made him more enraged because she would dare think to come into his life after 17 years no he wouldn't allow it he'd die before he forgave her

Kai walked towards the hidden entrance to the hidden whitefang headquarters

Time skip

Team SLVR was sitting in history class listening to the professor Ren when he told the story about their war with the immortal being Salem

Ace started to fall asleep in the history class

Snow writing down everything professor Ren said

Blaze couldn't keep his mind off his half brother wondering if he wanted to be saved or would it lead to a similar fate to his father

Percy was sleeping quietly in history class professor Ren didn't seem to notice

As class came to an end Team SLVR walked to their dorm room to change out of their school uniforms and into their civilian clothes

They were going out for a night on the town

Time skip

Kai flashback pov

We see a young Kai pulling his father Adam Taurus out of the water near Argus Kai drags his father too a wooden pire he placed his father on the pire as his father burned Kai sheathed wilt and blush on his side he made a promise to his father that one day he would be avenged

Kai dawned a grimm mask similar to his father's

End of flashback

Kai sat in his throne in deep thought on whether he'd end up just like his father if he continued down his father's path that he had set before him

Kai promised himself that he wouldn't end up like his father He would achieve what his father never could he would make sure the faunus would finally be on top they would rule unopposed and maybe his father could finally be at peace knowing that the future of the faunus were on his sons shoulders he hoped he made him proud

Kai got up from his throne and walked inside his personal quarters and layed down in bed and instantly fell asleep

The last thing we see is Neopoliten and Remus walking inside a old safe house Neopoliten had the keys to they walked inside and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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