chapter 38 inner demons vol 4

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Kai dream pov

I stood on the waterfall were my father took his last breath after being impaled in his chest and back I looked down at his floating body as he began to rise from the water with wilt in his hand

I reached for my weapon but found it missing I began to run for my life but i bounced off some kind of barrier

Adam: going somewhere my son

Kai: stay away from me haven't you ruined my life enough

Adam: you can't escape me Kai I am everything that you will become you need to accept this or I'll Haunt you until you finally snap and become just like me

Kai: then you'll have a long wait father because I have something you never had

Adam: and what is it that can keep you from becoming just like me

Kai: it's quite simple father I have someone worth fighting for

Adam: really who is strong enough to keep you from becoming your true self

Kai: snow rose she's the only thing that matters to me now

Adam: love is weakness Kai look what happened to me

Kai: you brought that upon yourself father I see that now I will no longer be haunted by you Adam I renounce you begon fowl spirit

Adam charged forward with wilt only for him to turn in ashes only leaving wilt and blush impaled on the ground Kai pick up wilt and blush and threw them back in the water he was finally free of his inner demons

End of dream

Kai awoke before anyone else and sat on a hill watching a shooting star shoot across the sky he knew things were about to change whether they were ready or not

The last thing we see is snow rose watching Kai from the shadows with a slight blush on her face before walking off to get some sleep we hear a monsterus roar and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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