chapter 56 love is the air vol 6

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Kai pov

I stood in the middle of the market district when I came across a snow flake necklace with a white diamond in the middle

I approached the stall and payed for the necklace and made my way towards the the Cotta Arc house

I walked into the house and saw snow who was sitting outside on the patio I approached her from the shadows

I put my hands over her eyes and she judo flipped me on my back

Snow: what were you thinking do you know how worried I have been where were you

Kai slowly got to his feet and pulled the necklace from his pocket

Kai: sorry to worry you i bought you this gift

Snow eyes widened upon seeing the the snow flake necklace

Snow: Kai you didn't have to

Kai: I wanted to Snow Rose will you go out with me

Snow: it would be my honor my knight

Kai wrapped the snow flake necklace around Snows neck snow blushed before running inside the house

Kai smiled and made his way into the house he hoped Jaune had a plan to get them to Atlas before it was to late

The last thing we see is Ronin sitting on a roof overlooking the city of Argus he wouldn't be defeated by Ace Rose a second time and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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