chapter 26 the attack on vale vol 2

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Ace pov

As we flew back to beacon academy The grimm alarm was blaring through out of the city of Vale

Ace: take us to the center of of Vale we've got a job to do

The mutated grimm were attacking Vales citizens ripping them to shreads blood splashed on the ground

Team SLVR jumped out of their bullhead and drew their weapons

Professor Arc drew Croce Mor

The mutated grimm charged the four huntsman in training

Professor Arc cut through the mutated grimm

Team SLVR fought for what seemed like hours as the last mutated grimm was defeated the ground began to shake a nevermore and a deathstalker crashed through the wall surrounding Vale

Ace: can it get any worse

Snow: Ace don't jinx us

Percy: me and blaze will take care of the deathstalker you two face the nevermore

Ace activated his his Semblance golden gun and fired six shots into the nevermore

The nevermore screeched in pain

Snow used her Semblance to summon a nevermore summon to face off against the mutated nevermore

The summon flew into the mutated nevermore slashing it with its talons

Percy and blaze slashed the deathstalkers eyes blinding it

Blaze stabbed his katana through the deathstalkers brain killing it

The deathstalker started to disintegrate into darkness

Ace felt strength growing inside of himself

A electric staff appeared in his hand he had just unlocked Arc strider one of his hidden Semblances the God of light told him about

Ace: Snow give me a boost I intend to finish this once and for all

Snow used her Glyph to shoot Ace at the nevermore

Ace slashed the nevermore head from its shoulders with his electric staff ending the attack once and for all the mutated grimm disintegrated into darkness and was gone

We see Team SLVR sitting on the roof of their dormitories

Ace: why do I feel like we're missing something

Snow: just be happy we have time to rest

Percy: Doctor Merlot is still a threat we can't ignore that

Blaze: were not ignoring it were just waiting for him to make his next move

Ace: who's ready for bed

Snow: I think I speak for everyone were ready for bed

Time skip

Doctor Merlot walked inside the warehouse were Neopoliten and Remus and Kai were standing

Doctor Merlot: I'm guessing you're plan was interrupted by my attack on Vale

Kai: what do you want old man

Neopoliten glared at the old man

Doctor Merlot: how would you like to be apart of the next evolution of mankind and faunus kind

Kai: what do I have to do

Doctor Merlot: very good you'll do perfectly

Neopoliten signed to Kai that their partnership was at an end

Kai went for wilt and blush ready to strike down Neopoliten and Remus

Only for Neopoliten to grab Remus and shattered into glass and they were gone

Kai sheathed wilt and blush he would find them later and kill them before they become a threat to his plans

We see Doctor Merlot shaking hands with Kai a new agreement had been struck

End of vol 2

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