chapter 28 sins of years past vol 3

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Kai pov

I walked towards my throne in the whitefang members headquarters in Vale

I took my seat and my scroll began to ring I picked it up answering the call

Kai: hello

Doctor Merlot: have you delt with Neopoliten and her brat

Kai: I'll deal with them soon just give me sometime Doctor

Doctor Merlot: don't fail me Kai or you won't live long enough to get your revenge on Blake Belladonna your birthmother

The call Suddenly came to a abrupt end

Kai slammed wilt and blush into the floor enraged

Time skip

We see Kai sitting in a park reading a fairy tale book to faunus children in the Vale park

Kai looks up to see the girl he known as Snow

She smiled at him with a genuine smile while listening to the story he chose for today

Kai read the story of the seasons which the children seemed to enjoy

As the story came to an end Kai put away his his fairy tale book

Snow approached him but he completely ignored her

Snow gave him a hurt look

Kai frowned at Snow

Snow: what did I do to make you like this angry

Kai: your family killed my father Adam Taurus

Snow: he was trying to kill them they had no choice

Kai growled in annoyance and walked away towards the hidden whitefang headquarters I'm Vale

Snow watched Kai walking away with one thought on her mind who was Kais mother

The last thing we see is Snow pulling out her scroll and she started dialing her aunts scroll number and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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