chapter 33 a second chance at a true family vol 3

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Blake pov

I was going through old photo albums when I came across a picture of Kai ultrasound

Tears started to run down my face I had failed to save kai from his father's dark beliefs

I knew I had to find a way to save Kai before he was lost forever

I grabbed gamble shroud and made my way downstairs I needed to have a word with my wife and come up with a plan to save my son before its too late

Team RWBY discussed the plan to take down the rogue faction of the whitefang and they would need the help of Team SLVR

Time skip

Ace pov

Team SLVR sat in their dorm when they got a call from their mothers

Ace activated the group call app

RWBY: we need your help meet us outside the whitefang headquarters were going to try and save Kai

Ace: you can count on us we'll be their

Team SLVR ended the call and got dressed in their combat gear and made their way towards vale were they hoped they would have a chance to redeem Kai Taurus

Time skip

Team SLVR am Team RWBY arrived at the whitefang headquarters with a army of the Belladonnas whitefang

The Belladonnas whitefang broke down the door and charged inside

Team SLVR and Team RWBY and the Belladonnas whitefang battled the rogue faction of the whitefang members

in the end they disarmed them and handcuffed them together and left them against the wall

Blake made her way towards the throne room to await her son Kai to hopefully save him from himself

Time skip

Kai pov

Kai sat in his room with with wilt and blush hanging on the wall He heard sounds of fighting

Kai got to his feet he grabbed wilt and blush off the wall and ran into the throne room

He saw the Belladonnas whitefang had overpowered his followers

He saw his mother Blake sheathing gamble shroud and turning around their eyes met

He saw nothing but pure love for her child

Kai growled under his breath with anger on his face he charged at Blake

Blake held out her arms for a loving embrace

Kai was about to impale Blake through the gut but he couldn't do it

he fell to his knees and dropped wilt and blush to the ground and began to breakdown into tears he hadn't shed in his entire life under his father's influence

Blake embraced her first born in a loving hug

Blake: I'll never let you go again I swear it Kai

Kai hugged his mother for the first time in his entire life he finally had a true family

Kai: I'll hold you too that promise mother

Blake: now let's go home son

Kai: you called me son I like the sound of that

Blake: well you better get use to it because I'm going to continue calling you that

Yang approached Kai and Blake and wrapped her arms around the new member of their family

Kai looks at Yang surprised

Yang gave him a accepting nod letting him know he was no longer alone he was apart of their family and nothing would change that

Yang broke the embrace they all headed to a bullhead port to take Kai to their home on the island of patch

Team SLVR said their goodbyes to their mothers and Kai and Snow kissed Kai on the cheek causing him to blush

Yang gave Kai the thumbs up Kai hid his blushing face and went to sit down away from Yang he was utterly embarrassed

he had a strange feeling in his chest he didn't recognize he'd have to ask his mother later

Team SLVR watched as the bullhead disappeared into the distance and was gone

Team SLVR headed back to beacon academy to get some much needed rest

Time skip

Kai got off the bullhead and got in a car that Yang drove to a log cabin in the woods

Yang and Blake showed him to his new room he was finally some place he could call his forever home and he couldn't be happier

Yang: welcome home Kai

Kai: thank you so much

Blake: it's no problem

Yang: don't worry about it Kai were family aren't we

Kai: a family that sounds nice it'll take some time to get use to it

Blake: take all the time you need son

Kai: thanks mom

Blake and Yang walked downstairs

Kai layed down on his bed he instantly fell asleep

The last thing we see is doctor Merlot watching security footage of Kais betrayel from his computer console in the realm of darkness this betrayel wouldn't go unpunished and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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