chapter 29 secrets comes out vol 3

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Team SLVR pov

We sat in are familes home are mothers and aunts were going to tell us about Kai Taurus

Blake: Kai Taurus was my firstborn child I gave him up for adoption to protect him from his father

Blaze: so we have a half brother and you never told us

Percy: blaze calm down I'm sure are mothers had a reason

Snow: so how did Adam find out about his son

Blake: that I don't know

Yang: don't worry kitty we'll save Kai from Adam's fate

Blake: i hope your right

Ace: don't worry aunt Blake we'll bring him home

Ruby: your mother and aunts know you will

Time skip

Kai pov

We see Kai standing on the docks overlooking the sea

Kai listened to the sound of the sea he sat down on the edge of the docks a memory flashed before his eyes

Kai flashback pov

I stood in a house in mistral were a man wearing a grim mask entered the room his weapon sheathed he placed his weapon on the wall of the room

Kai: you killed adoptive parents why

Adam: because they were weak

Kai fell to his knees and began to breakdown

Adam grabbed Kai by the throat and slammed him into the walls

Adam: stop crying your my son I won't allow you to be weak

Kai stopped crying and just stared at at Adam with a look of complete rage

Adam went to strike him again only for Adam to be blasted into the wall by Kai Semblance

Adam gave his son a sinister look before exiting the room

Kai broke down in tears as his body slowly healed

End of flashback

The last thing we see is Kai having a phantom pain were Adam had grabbed him in the past he groaned in annoyance and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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