chapter 73 falling into darkness again vol 8

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Ace pov

I clashed back and forth across the ruins of atlas academy with Ronin only for Ronin to knock me back

Ronin: I've grown stronger sense we last met

Ace: double the pride double the fall

We clashed back and forth across the ruins of atlas academy while the rest of my teammates began fighting Reaper and Shredder

The Wyvern Grimm started blowing fire which caused a hole to to open up beneath us Team SLVR and Kai fell through the ground break beneath them they fell into a ruin underneath atlas academy

Team SLVR quickly got to their feet before the ground began to shake

Ace: mom get the civilans to safety we'll be right behind you

Ruby: you better survive or your grounded for life

We fought the Grimm until the ground started to break beneath us a worm hole opened up and we fell into a wormhole which pulled us into darkness We fell into a shadow realm were we floated onto the shadowy shore

We see Team RWBY standing on a bullhead as atlas crashed into mantel causing mantel to flood

Jaune cried out in sorrow as he had failed his loveones once more Team RWBY held eachother close  before everything went dark

Doctor Merlot: my plan is simple let mankind destroy itself as each kingdom falls I grow ever stronger now what will you do without your gaurdians when they've been defeated and bloodied and when my plan's are set in motion and no one can stand against the on coming destruction as it brings about the end of this vile and corrupt world as it brings about paradise I pity those that would resist this paradise I'll happily walk into the approaching the destruction and watch as the old world burns so now what will you do when theirs no one to save from the destruction you all will burn with your vile and corrupt world I will start a new and create a paradise without humanity interference I'll be a new God with no gaurdians to challenge me I will rule all of creation and bring about a new age the age of a new God

We see Ace laying on a shore of the dark realm were Ace of Spades lays sheathed in the ground

Their is a sound of a monstrous roar echoing throughout the realm Team SLVR layed unconscious on separate parts of the shadow realm Kai layed on a separate shore were he layed unconscious

They had arrived in a realm of shadows were no one ever enters and no one ever leaves

End of vol 8

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