chapter 2 beacon academy vol 1

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Ace pov

I stood in a bullhead headed for beacon academy

Snow: I'm so proud of you little brother everyone is going to think your special

Snow seems proud but Ace can always tell when snow is lying she really wasn't proud of him

Ace: but I'm not special I didn't inherit mom's Semblance like you

Percy: your one in a million kid you are your own man

Ace could tell Percy didn't mean the words he had  said

Blaze: even aunt Ruby felt the way your feeling when she joined beacon academy

Ace could tell Blaze was annoyed that Ace had gotten into beacon academy a year early

As the bullhead landed at beacon academy the four cousins exited the bullhead and made their way to the auditorium

Professor Pine: I'd like to welcome back returning students and welcome new students into are school now onto my speech all I see are wasted potential you wish to learn how to face the grimm and become huntsman and huntresses we can teach you how to follow your dreams and become the strongest huntsman and huntresses you can become and now have a goodnight

Professor Arc: you'll all spend a night in the ballroom tonight your iniation begins tomorrow

Ace walked into the boys locker room were he got dressed in his pajamas and made his way towards the ballroom were his sister and cousins were awaiting him

Ace layed down in his sleeping bag and began to play games on his scroll

Snow: you can't play on your scroll all night you need to make friends

Ace: why do I need friends when I have you three

Percy: you need to meet new people and be more social

Blaze: you can't always rely on us to be their for you need to have other friends than us

Ace groaned in annoyance and turned on his side in the sleeping bag

Ace: whatever I'm going to sleep good night

Snow: good night little brother

Percy: he won't make it through iniation at this rate he's to antisocial

Blaze: quiet Percy Ace could be listening

Snow: I doubt he even heard us he's fast asleep professor Pine made a mistake by enrolling him at beacon academy he's just a kid

Ace eyes stung with tears at his familes words he silently cried himself to sleep he finally passed out from exhaustion

The last thing we see is a white cloaked figure floating above Ace invisible the white cloaked figure bent down and took off her hood revealing Summer Rose Summer kissed Ace on the cheek lovingly before disappearing into white rose petals and was gone and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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