chapter 18 Remus Torchwick vol 2

17 3 1

Remus pov

I sat in my room as my mother brushes my hair I pulled out my locket which held a picture of my parents together before he died in the fall of beacon

My parents were holding me with proud expressions on their faces

I signed to mother to tell me about my father

Neopoliten sighed with with a sad expression on her face

Neopoliten began to type on her scroll the words appeared on my scroll immediately

Neo: your father wasn't the nicest person he became a criminal because it was the only way for him to survive when he met me I was a rich heiress of the Vanille family named Trivia Vanille he was the only one to show me that I was more than my parents daughter we could be more we could be eachothers family so we became partners in crime I was younger then but when I grew into a young adult me and your father got married and I conceived you your father was a good man atleast to me he would be proud of you Remus

Remus typed a response

Remus: why did you forgive Ruby Rose for killing my father and your husband

Neo typed a response

Neo: because your father told me to when I fell into a strange realm were I saw your father one last time

Remus gave his mother a confused expression

Remus typed a response

Remus: dad told you to forgive red

Neo sighed in annoyance and typed a response

Neo: he made me realize who the true enemy was now get to bed I have a heist to plan

Remus layed back in his bed and instantly fell asleep

Neopoliten kissed Remus on his head lovingly she brushed his hair out of his eyes

Neopoliten signed the words I love you before exiting the room

The last thing we see is Neopoliten approaching the map of Vale were Kai Taurus was awaiting her and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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