chapter 40 the hunters becomes the hunted vol 4

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Kai pov

We arrived in a abandoned village when I started to notice we were being followed

The Grimm human hybrids charged at us we all drew are weapons

Snow charged forward with forward with Percy and Blaze right behind her I clashed blades with the alpha hybrid we fought for what seemed like hours

As many as we killed more would appear until we were about too be overwhelmed when their was a flash of lightning and the hybrids fell to the ground dead

We saw someone we didn't expect Raven Branwen had arrived and she wasn't happy

Percy: grandma Raven

Raven jumped down from the roof of the building and slowly made her way towards her grandchildren

Raven: I saved you this once don't expect another rescue

Jaune: long time no see Raven

Raven: I see your still working for professor pine I thought you would've learned your lesson after working for ozpin during the war with Salem

Jaune: I go where I'm needed someone has to stop doctor Merlot

Raven: well I guess you're still bringing more kids to the slaughter your just as blind as Qrow during the war with Salem

Raven opened a portal and disappeared inside she was gone

Jaune: come on kids let's get out of here I'm done with this village

The last thing we see is a mysterious figure standing on a roof overlooking the carnage with a sinister smile on her face things were about to get very  interesting and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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