chapter 76 a unusual party vol 9

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Ace pov

We walked inside a the castle to see a young teen girl surrounded by presents as she sat in her throne

Shadow gaurd: your highness we've brought you a perfect gift a storyteller

Dark Princess: very well you may begin your story

Ace: we have conditions once I tell you the story you'll help us get home

Dark Princess: very well you have my word

Ace told the story about his parents and aunts adventures through the world of remnant and how they finally defeated Salem

Dark Princess: that was quite a tale storyteller but I'm not going to let you four leave this place gaurds

A cat cloaked in Shadows jumped in front of us protectively and made it's way towards the Dark Princess

???: your highness you can't keep them here you gave them your word you wouldn't want your subjects to think you're a tyrant now would we

Dark Princess: very well you may go your lucky Shadow was here

Shadow: come along children we have much to discuss

Team SLVR followed Shadow into a field full of black roses snow pulled out Kai mask and held it close to her heart

Snow: were you Kai

Ace: don't worry we'll find him

Percy: has Ace ever given up on family

Blaze: I have a feeling that were close to something I just know it we'll find Kai when he wants to be found

Snow: he better show himself soon I'm getting worried by the days we've been here

Ace: we'll find him I swear it

Snow: I'll be holding you to that promise little brother

Ace: I wouldn't want it any other way

As they made their way farther into the forest Aces aura began sputtering and dying out a dark aura began glowing on Aces body before ultimately disappearing off Aces body

a dark spirit was about to snuff out the light dark side spirit had found a potential host it was only a matter of time before light was snuffed out and all but darkness remained

Dregen Yor would soon be very much alive everything was going according to plan

The last thing we see is cloaked figure following Team SLVR from afar before disappearing into the shadows once more and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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