chapter 36 hiring help and Doctor Merlot heir vol 4

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Doctor Merlot pov

I stood in a bar in mistral watching a young girl sitting on the ground outside the doorway

He slowly got to his feet and approached the young girl he bent down to the young girl

Doctor Merlot: what's your name girl

???: I'm Mary

Doctor Merlot: well Mary how would you like to come with me

Mary: are you sure

Doctor Merlot: I'm sure daughter

Mary: Yay thanks papa I'll be the best daughter ever

Doctor Merlot: meet me at the bullhead port I have business to attend to

Time skip

Doctor Merlot walked inside a club were little miss malikite

Little Miss: it's been a long time sense I've seen you in these parts Doctor Merlot

Doctor Merlot: I'm in need of strong warriors and rogues to join my war

Little Miss: I can find what you need but it'll take time

Doctor Merlot: very well here are the coordinates of my new home send them to me and you'll receive your payment

Little Miss: that is acceptable It was good to see you old friend

Doctor Merlot walked to the bullhead port and approached Mary who had a small pack on her back

Doctor Merlot: let's go home daughter

Mary: yes Father

The last thing we see is little Miss sitting at her table going through files of perfect recruits for Doctor Merlot army and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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