chapter 53 the encounter with cannibal vol 6

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Ace pov

I awoke to the sound of someone entering the worn down cabin I slowly got to my feet and drew Ace Of Spades

A cloaked man walked into the room I noticed he had crocodile like skin and scar cut across his wrists

Ace: who are you how did we end up here

???: I am Krate I brought you and your Teammates here five days ago

Ace: we've been unconscious for five days

Krate: you were badly hurt especially the others

Ace: weres uncle Jaune

Krate: hes resting my wife is treating him as we speak now rest while I cook breakfast

Ace felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep

Ace awoke to the sound of Phyrra voice echoing in his head

Phyrra: you need to get the others and run your not safe here

Ace: what are you talking about

Phyrra: your in danger just trust me

Ace: alright I need to find uncle Jaune we can't leave him

Phyrra: be fast I think krate is planning something sinister

Ace got to his feet and began sneaking into the room that held his uncle Jaune who was completely unconscious

Ace saw that he had been beaten into unconscious blood dripped down his lips

Ace ran downstairs to see his Teammates and Kai on a iron spit over a fire

Krate: I should've known you'd be trouble I'll eat you last

Ace: in your dreams you crazy motherfucker

The man charged forward Ace shot the axe out of the man hands causing it to hit the ground with a clang causing his Teammates and Kai to awaken

Krate: you ruined my dinner boy so I'll kill then I'll devour your corpse

The man grabbed the twin blades from his back when Croce mor impaled him from behind

Krate looked down in surprise before falling to the ground seemingly lifeless

Jaune stood their leaning on his blade Ace doused the fire and cut his Teammates and Kai free of their restraints

Jaune: kids let's get out of here

Before Ace left he poured gas on the house and lit it a flame and got on his sparrow

He hooked it up to a trolly and drove off into the distance hoping to put that place far behind them

The last thing we see is Krate eyes flashing open he wasn't dead as Team SLVR would have wished he was very much alive and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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