chapter 9 a meeting with the god of light vol 1

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Ace pov

I awoke in a white void were a yellow dragon was floating above me when it Suddenly turned into a yellow man with dear antlers

God Of Light: good your awake we have much to discuss my gaurdain

Ace: what are you talking about

God Of Light: the day you were born you died I brought you back to life and i chose you to be my gaurdian of Remnant and protect everything I have ever built with brother The God Of Darkness has become a bit ambitious I now need you my chosen gaurdain to act before it's to late

Ace: why did you pick me to be your gaurdain

God Of Light: because your special you can use multiple Semblances such as Arc strider nightstalker gunslinger and blade dancer your my greatest creation

Ace: how do I unlock these extra Semblances

God Of Light: you'll unlock them when I deem you worthy now awake goodbye gaurdain keep your eyes on the stars

End of vision

Ace awoke in his hospital bed to see his mother's and aunts chatting amongst themselves in whispers

The doctor entered the room and took the ivs out of the four huntsman and huntresses in training he told them they were free to return to beacon academy

The four cousins were fully healed and made their way towards a bullhead headed for beacon academy their mothers and aunts hugged them goodbye

As the bullhead lifted off the ground and disappeared into the distance

Ruby: you sure we should've let them return to beacon academy

Yang: they'll be fine Ruby

Team RWBY took a bullhead headed for patch

But Ruby couldn't stop thinking about the children that they had raised she wasn't ready to let go of them just yet

The last thing we see is Summer Rose sitting in a seat beside her daughter invisible beside her she reached out and touched her daughter's face before disappearing into white rose petals and was gone and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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