chapter 60 a meeting with general schnee vol 7

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Ace pov

I sat in the back of a bullhead as I groaned in annoyance i couldn't believe Team FNKY got the drop on us I noticed Kai seemed nervous

Snow: Kai What's wrong

Kai: I'm kinda a wanted man in atlas

Ace: well that's just great

Blaze: we won't let anything happen to you Kai

Percy: yeah we won't let them take you away

Jaune: if I know winter she's not a fool I'll talk to her for you kiddo

Kai: thanks Jaune

Jaune: just call me uncle your family to

Kai: thanks uncle Jaune

The bullhead landed at atlas academy we filed out of the bullhead and made are way towards the elevator

Snow: Ace what do we do now

Ace: it seems we're going to talk to aunt Winter sooner than I thought I say we play are cards close to are chest

Blaze: we'll follow your lead Ace

They were lead out of the elevator we're they saw their aunt Winter chatting with council member Robyn Hill

Snow: aunt Winter

Winter turned around to see Team SLVR handcuffed along with Jaune

Kai: care to give us some help with these

Winter: you have five minutes to take those off before I start hurting you

Atlas soldier: oh yes mam

They removed the handcuffs only leaving Kai restrained

Snow: aunt Winter aren't you going to remove Kai restraint as well

Winter: no he will stand trial for his crimes

Kai: don't worry Snow I'll be fine

Jaune: what if I take full responsibility for Kai then will you release him into my custody

Winter: you would do that for a terrorist

Jaune: he's not a terrorist any longer

Winter: fine release him don't make me regret this

Kai restraints were removed they walked inside Winter office

Winter: we came up with a plan to put an end to Doctor Merlot for good

Jaune: what's the plan

Winter: freeze him in a cryogenic tube

Jaune: I doubt he'll get inside voluntarily

Winter: now that you're all here it's time to get you up to atlas standards

A video played showing them fighting the Saybr Grimm

Winter: now get some rest you're weapons will be ready for you tomorrow

Jaune and Team SLVR and Kai made their way towards the dorm rooms

Kai kissed Snow hand causing her to blush before disappearing into his dorm room he shared with Jaune so Jaune could keep an eye on Kai

The last thing we see is Shredder walking out of a bar as blood began pooling in the doorway and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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