chapter 7 forever fall and a new threat vol 1

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Ace pov

We where being lead through forever fall forest by professor Arc

Professor Arc: students today you'll be collecting sap for each member of your team know that their is grimm in these forests stay with your teammates and you'll be safe know that I've been told not to interfere if you face a grimm you'll be on your own

Team SLVR made their way towards the clearing with the most trees they began to siphoning the sap from the trees

When they heard a monstrous howl coming closer to clearing were they were siphoning tree sap

A beowolf alpha with green glowing skin with spikes all over its body charged Team SLVR

Ace drew Ace of Spades and loaded fire dust bullets into the chamber

Snow drew Winters Wrath and got in defensive stance

Percy popped his claws out of his gauntlets Wrath of the oppressed he got into boxing stance

Blaze drew Wrath of the fallen and got into defensive stance

The mutated grimm slammed its claws into the ground causing spikes to erupt out the ground knocking Team SLVR off their feet

Ace slowly got to his feet even though his aura was broken and he picked up Ace of Spades he looked at his sibling and cousins who's aura was broken completely knocking them unconscious

Ace aims Ace of Spades at the mutated grimm firing six shots into the mutated grimm as it charged

Ace looked down at his family his eyes glowed with silver light causing the mutated grimm to turn halfway to stone

Ace fell unconscious from exhaustion before he passed out he heard the mutated grimms howl of pain before everything went dark

The last thing we see is Jaune Arc pulling his sword out of the mutated grimm as it disintegrated into darkness and was gone and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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