chapter 57 i love it what a plan comes together vol 6

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Ace pov

I snuck onto the Argus base with Kai following closely behind We made it to a clearing were a bullhead was parked Kai climbed on board only for me to be hit by a shadow scythe

Ronin: you didn't think you'd seen the last of me did you

Ace: Kai get the bullhead to the others I have unfinished business to attend to

Kai: you better comeback alive or snow will be very angry at me

Ace: don't worry I have a few tricks up my sleeve

Ronin: I've learned a new darkness power since we last met

Ace activated gunslinger and fired three golen shots at Ronin who summoned too scythes made out of darkness Ace dodged the scythes best he could he was knocked off a cliff and landed by a waterfall his aura shattered

Ace: how did you break my aura so quickly

Ronin: my new power negates your light now let's finish this Ace

Ace: you took the words right out of my mouth

Ace charged forward their was a explosion of light and darkness

We see the rest of the members of Team SLVR facing off against krate and he was very pissed he would not be cheated of his revenge

The last thing we see is Kai flying towards the remainder of Team SLVR he hoped he'd make it in time and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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