chapter 68 a punishment most dire vol 8

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Kai pov

I sat in the stomach inside the Wyvern stomach a doorway opened up in the middle of the wall and Merlot stepped through the doorway

Doctor Merlot: it's been a long time Taurus you've really disappointed me

Kai: my family will come for me

Doctor Merlot: I'll be sure to remember that you'll pay for your crimes against my cause

Kai: I won't break no matter what you'll do I'll tell you nothing

Doctor Merlot: I'll enjoy breaking you

We see a pack of Grimm coming out of the walls Kai looked for wilt and blush but found it missing

Kai: well shit

Doctor Merlot: I'd run if I were you

Kai ran throughout the Grimm stomach as a pack of beowolves began chasing him

He saw wilt and blush stabbed into the flesh of the Wyverns flesh

he ran towards it only for the flesh to move wilt and blush further into the stomach

Kai: fuck I knew things couldn't be that easy

Doctor Merlot: you didn't think I'd let you escape that easily

Kai: I'm going down without a fight

Doctor Merlot: you'll be my best creation

A Grimm bit down on Kai arm and began to envelope his body and everything went dark

Doctor Merlot: welcome to the family my Ronin

Kai floated in a void watching everything unfolded before him he knew that he was not be broken so easily he would fight to his last breath

The last thing we see is Team SLVR fighting a horde of Grimm while citzens were evacuated to the atlas tunnels everything was going according to plan and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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