chapter 54 Merlots Wrath vol 6

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Doctor Merlot pov

I sat in my throne room my followers walked into the throne room looking worried

Doctor Merlot: were is my daughter

Ronin: I'm sorry my lord Team SLVR cured her of her Grimm form along with Summer Rose

Reaper: look we can still catch up with Team SLVR their on their way to atlas We can still make them pay

Shredder: we'll find them My lord I swear it

Doctor Merlot: Ronin find Ace Rose and eliminate him before he gains more power from the God of Light

Ronin: I will kill Ace Rose my lord he won't see his next birthday

Reaper: what about the traitor Kai Taurus

Doctor Merlot: bring him to me

Shredder: yes my lord

Ronin: let's go we have a bunch of brats to eliminate

Time skip

Kai pov

We see Kai sitting on the roof of Sappron Cotta Arc house hold

he never thought he would return here he knew he would have to go to the place were his father fell from grace

He wasn't looking forward to visiting that place he knew his father spirit would be awaiting him in that place

The last thing we see is Kai walking towards the waterfall were his father met his demise it was time to put his angered spirit at rest and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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