chapter 86 we are the danger vol 10

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Ronin pov

Me and my brothers jumped down into the city Grimm alarms began blaring we made are way through the city

The atlas fleet began deploying atlas androids

Ronin: this is were the fun begins

Shredder: don't get so cocky brother

Reaper: remember Doctor Merlot wants the boy alive

Ronin: he doesn't mind if I beat him a little bit

Reaper: i don't see any problem with that

Shredder: just do what must be done no huntsman

The three brothers entered shade academy and began cutting through a group of civilans

Team SLVR and kai quickly made their way towards the clearing of shade academy were they saw a pile of body's

Ronin: I think we have a score to settle

Ace: you took the words right out of my mouth

Ace activated his Semblance Arc strider a light staff appeared in his hand

Ronin Activated his dark Semblance stasis twin scythe appeared in his hands

The two of them clashed back and forth across the academy while the rest of Team SLVR and Kai faced off against Shredder and Reaper

Ronin slammed his twin scythes into Aces shoulders causing his aura to shatter

We see Ace laying on the ground as Ronin brought his boot down on Aces head knocking him unconscious and everything went dark

The last thing we see is the Wyvern Grimm grabbing Ace with it's talons before flying off into the distance and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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