chapter 23 finding a clue vol 2

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Ace pov

I walked through the ruins of are old childhood home me and my sister and cousins searched for clues to who attacked are mothers and aunts

Ace picked up a the remnant of a match that had the letter m engraved on it

Ace: I think I found something

Snow: what did you find Ace

Blaze and Percy stood up immediately at Aces words

Ace: I found a match with the letter m engraved on it

Percy: I wonder what the letter m stands for

Blaze: I recognize it from a book I read awhile ago that Merlot industry's insignia

Ace: then we now know who to blame

Team SLVR made their way towards beacon tower were they planned to inform professor Pine about their findings

Time skip

As they arrived back at beacon academy they went up the elevator to professor Pines office

As they entered the office professor Pine was in a video call with the headmasters of haven an shade and mantel

Professor Pine: I've got to go gentlemen it seems I have visitors

The call ended and professor Pine turned around to look at Team SLVR

Ace: professor Pine I think we know who attacked are parents

Professor Pine: very well tell the clues you've discovered

Snow: we discovered a match with a the letter m engraved on it we believe someone from Merlot industries attacked are mothers and aunts

Professor Pine: thank you for letting me know about this news I'll have professor Arc look into it

Percy: it was are mothers and aunts who were hurt we wanna help

Blaze: we won't give up until we bring them to justice

Professor Pine: very well you may continue your investigation under professor Arc

Team SLVR exited professor Pines office

Professor Pine turned towards the window of beacon tower with one thought on his mind what was Doctor Merlot up to

The last thing we see is professor Pine standing in front of beacon towers window cane in hand and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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