chapter 21 Doctor Merlots Apex Predator vol 2

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Doctor Merlot pov

I was standing inside my lab injecting chemicals into wendigo grimm The wendigo grimm started to glow green it's eyes started to glow dark green

Doctor Merlot: go cause the destruction of Team RWBY and make them pay for their crimes against me my Apex Predator

Doctor Merlot walked inside a bullhead with his mutated wendigo in the cargo bay

Time skip

Doctor Merlot landed on the island of patch and opened the cargo bay door

The mutated wendigo grimm jumped from the cargo bay and made its way towards the home of Team RWBY

Merlot chuckled sinisterly as the grimm made its way towards Team RWBY family home

The wendigo slammed into the front door of the log cabin the doorway multiple times the cabin door began to Crack

When the door finally shattered Doctor Merlot exited the bullhead and walked inside the log cabin to watch the carnage unfold

Time skip

Team RWBY pov

Team RWBY awoke in their separate bedrooms when they heard the front door break down they got to their feet and grabbed their weapons and charged downstairs

The wendigo grimm howled out a monstrous howl

Team RWBY froze on spot upon seeing a mutated grimm they hadn't seen one for years

Ruby: Doctor Merlot is still alive

Weiss: I thought he died in the explosion of his lab

Blake: I guess we were wrong

Yang: we defeated him before we can do it again

Doctor Merlot: hello girls you don't know how long I've been planning my revenge now my creation kill them

The wendigo charged as Doctor Merlot lit a match and dropped it on the wooden floor

As the log cabin went up in flames Doctor Merlot could hear the sound of battle and then suddenly went silent

Merlot got on his bullhead and made his way back to the realm of darkness

The last thing we see is a beaten and scarred Team RWBY exiting the inferno that use to be their home we see Team RWBY fall unconscious we see Taiyang approaching the burning log cabin he placed his daughters and their wives inside his car and drove off towards Vale hospital and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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