chapter 49 blood on the ground vol 5

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Ace pov

We made are way towards haven academy the broken moon glowed blood red

We made are way into the auditorium were professor wukong was awaiting us

Sun: ah good your here I have news for you

Jaune: go ahead sun were listening

Six figures appeared out of the shadows

Summer: we'll handle it from her Sun

Ace: professor wukong you've become just like professor lionheart

Sun's eyes flickered Grimm red and his skin turned ashen white his transformation was complete

Sun: it's Blake's fault she should've chosen me now her children will pay for her choices

Everyone drew their weapons Ace activated his Semblance and fired gunslinger at Sun only for a cloaked figure to shoot a dark blast knocking into the fire blast

???: so your a guardian of light well I'm a guardian of darkness

Ace eyes widened in surprise He thought he was the only living guardian

Ace: so you have similar abilities but your no guardian

The cloaked figure begins to chuckle slightly

???: my name is Ronin and it'll be the last thing you ever hear

Ace and Ronin charged forward at eachother firing bullets at each other but the bullets hit each other in midair

Jaune charged up the stairs to Sun who had his gun chuckes drawn

Jaune: you betrayed your friends over Blake choosing Yang how selfish of you

Sun: Don't make me kill you Jaune just walk away

Jaune: you know I can't do that

Sun: then you've chosen your fate

Jaune: and so have you

Jaune and Sun charged at each other and clashed their battle had begun

A armored man approached Percy and Blaze he unsheathed claws from his armored Gauntlets

Percy: you some sort of samurai wannabe

???: I'm am Shredder and this is the last hour of your lives

Shredder touched his watch and set sixty minute timer before charging into battle

Snow and Kai was approached by a figure wearing black armor and a skull mask to hide his true identity

???: I am Reaper and i will take much pleasure in kill you traitor

Snow: you won't lay a hand on him

Reaper: I will do as I've been ordered

Reaper unsheathed twin scythe and charged into battle

Summer: let's see how a guardian dies

We see Summer summoning a spear and threw it through Aces side as Ronin fired a dark blast shattering his aura

Ace held his side as the spear turned to ashes blood splattered on the ground

The last thing we see is Ace falling to the ground unconscious and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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