chapter 50 fates choice vol 5

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Ace pov

I was floating in a void were a girl wearing a bronze armor and had red hair and green eyes floated above me

Ace: were am I

???: your here so we can talk

Ace: who are you

???: I'm Phyrra Nikos

Ace eyes widened in surprise Phyrra smiles warmly

Ace: am I dead

Phyrra: no not yet you still have a chance to stop your grandmother from becoming a monster

Ace: how do I do that if she doesn't let me

Phyrra: use your light and you'll have saved your grandmother from a fate worse than death

Ace: but how do I use my light like that

Phyrra: you will know when time is right now awaken its time to get back into the fight tell Jaune I said hello

Ace: i will and why am I the only one to see you

Phyrra: do you believe in destiny

Ace: yes

Ace fell through a void and awakened to the sound of battle light engulfed him He created a bow bow made out of void and fired the arrow through Ronin leg as he was about to kill Kai

Kai looked at Ace surprised before a warm smile came to his face before running off towards snow

Ace: were not done yet Ronin

Ronin: so you finally unlocked nightstalker how unfortunate

Ace and Ronin charged forward at eachother firing bullets the battle was back on

Ace body glowed with light were Ronin was made of darkness with each clash haven academy shook

Jaune and Sun clashed throughout the halls of haven academy until jaune got kicked through a doorway into a classroom

Sun began choking Jaune while he was on the floor

Jaune grabbed Croce more and impaled sun through his throat sun fell backwards and fell to the floor lifeless

Jaune pulled his blade from suns throat a memory of penny ran through his mind as he looked at the blood on his blade

Jaune: I'm sorry

Jaune exited the classroom and appeared in the auditorium were the villains were making their last stand

Ace closed his eyes a blast of pure light engulfed summer and Mary who were transformed back to their human forms

Ronin and his brothers fled the scene the battle was over

Jaune approached Ace who fell to his knees from exhaustion

Jaune: great job Ace

Ace: Phyrra says hello

Ace passed out from exhaustion

Jaune: it's nice to know you're still watching over us my love

We see Team RWBY and Nora and Ren on a ship headed to mistral

End of vol 5

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