chapter 41 end of the line vol 4

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Kai pov

We traveled the mistral country side for what seemed like weeks when a hooded figure jumped in front of us with a red katana on her side

Jaune: were not looking for a fight

Mysterious figure: well you've found one

The Mysterious figure pulled off her cloak revealing a Grimm hybrid summer rose

Jaune eyes widened in surprise He unsheathed Croce more and charged Summer rose who easily deflected his strikes

Snow charged forward forward only for a Grimm arm to slam her into a ground multiple times shattering her aura

Percy and Blaze charged forward and were surrounded by a pack and hybrids

Percy: Kai what do we do

Kai: we can't run we have no choice but to fight to kill

Kai deflected multiple strikes from the hybrids charging up his Semblance

Percy and Blaze charged forward forward cutting through hordes of hybrids

Kai used moonslice to sever summer rose Grimm arm summer screamed out in pain as her arm slowly grew back as summer screamed in pain

Summer grew wings and flew off into the distance she knew she was beaten

We see airship appearing in the middle of the road

Jaune smiled a genuine smile

Jaune: it's good to see you Neptune

Neptune: I wondered were all that smoke came from

Jaune: you know me I always like to make an entrance Neptune we have a lot to discuss

Neptune: alright headmaster wukong will want to see you immediately

Jaune: well kids I think it's time we meet up with a old friend of mine

Medics carried snow on a stretcher onto the bullhead

Kai held her hand as mistral appeared in the distance

Kai: we made it snow

We see the summer rose flying into a hidden bullhead hidden in a cave

She gets on bullhead as the voice of her humanity appeared in the window of the bullhead

summer smashed her fist through the glass she looked at the shards of glass in her Grimm arm she could still hear the voice but it began to disappear for now

We snow laying in bed in a house with Kai sitting by her side the entire time

We see Ace standing on a boat to mistral as he arrived in mistral he rode his hover bike as he comes across a signs that said bandits

Ace: I'm coming sis just wait a little bit longer

We see Summer rose appearing outside Taiyang cabin on the island of patch as he works in the garden she gives her past love one last look before disappearing into rose petals Taiyang catches a rose petal in his hand before sighing in sorrow a tear began to fall down his face and everything gose dark

End of vol 4

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