chapter 19 memories of the past vol 2

19 3 4

Kai pov

I sat in my throne room while whitefang members walked around the warehouse

I pulled out my favorite book of remnants fairy tales

I had just begun to read The fairy tale the shallow sea when the book was ripped from my hands by Neopoliten who gave me a sly smile I looked at her with annoyance

Kai: don't grab things that don't belong to you

Kai grabbed back the book with a sinister look on his face

Neopoliten rolled her eyes at Kai and walked away

Kai started to think about his adoptive parents a red blur flashed before his eyes as he remembered the day his parents were murdered

Kai flashback pov

A young Kai was placed inside a closet as his adoptive parents barricaded the door of the their apartment

Their was the sound of a door being broken down a man wearing black and red and wearing a red and white grimm masks with markings on it

I saw the man draw his crimson blade and quickly cut down my adoptive parents when I looked at his face it was all a blur

The Mysterious man opened the closet door

Mysterious man: take the boy to one of my loyal members of the whitefang

Kai screamed in terror as he was carried away from his deceased adoptive parents bodies

Kai saw the Mysterious man light the apartment on fire leaving no witnesses alive

Kai had tears running down his face as the apartment building burned his home was nothing but a memory now

End of flashback

Kai thoughts: I still wonder who that man was who killed my adoptive parents every time I remember that tragic memory the man's face is always a blur who are you and why is your face hidden from me in my memories

The last thing we see is Kai sitting in his throne deep in thought and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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