chapter 6 Team SLVR first day at beacon academy vol 1

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Ace pov

I awoke to Snow shaking me awake I groaned in annoyance and got to my feet

Ace: what's going on Snow

Snow: it's almost time for uncle Qrows class so hurry up and get dressed in your uniform

Ace ran towards the bathroom excitedly and put on his uniform he excited the bathroom to see his teammates were waiting for me

Ace: are first mission is to make it to uncle Qrows class in time to get the front row seats

Team SLVR made their way towards uncle Qrow class in time to get the best seats in class

Qrow: today we'll be learning about how to maintain are weapons would you please retrieve your weapons from your lockers

Team SLVR retrieved their weapons and began to do maintenance on their weapons

Qrow walked past each student looking over their preferred weapons

Qrow stopped in front of Ace who twirled his handcanon on his finger

Qrow: don't get cocky kid that was the undoing of so many huntsman and huntresses

Ace looked down in embarrassment at his uncles words

Qrow: I'm not trying to embarrass you kid I'm just warning you I meant nothing by it

Ace: yes whatever

As the class came to an end Team SLVR made their way towards cafeteria

Team SLVR sat at a table in the back of the cafeteria keeping to themselves

They saw a fellow students harassing a faunus student they recognized as Jennifer Adell Coco and Velvets daughter

Ace got to his feet and walked towards the bully that was pulling on Jennifer ears he punched the bully knocking him unconscious

Ace: you alright Jennifer

Jennifer: I'm fine now that your here

Jennifer always had a slight crush on Ace but never acted on it which she regretted later

Jennifer kissed Ace on the cheek before leaving with her Team

Snow: it seems Ace has a admirer

Ace: shut up sis

The last thing we see is professor Pine standing in his office in beacon tower watching the students from afar they had much to learn and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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